My lost love for the click five is no longer lost! and no, i am not listening to the new album because I prefer the old click five with eric dill! WHY WHY WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE THE BAND? T_T the old album is on replay since yesterday because it is just awesome. While listening to the old album, memories from secondary 4 came flooding back. Listening to the song every morning in class while rushing homework, singing along to the song in class or during recess, listening to derek trying to hit the high notes... good old times~
Random but I am a tutor to 3 students! AHAHJHSHDASDAHSD I have a new student to tutor ! my neighbour's daughter need someone to help her with maths and my mum suggested me. I'm still not sure if I can do a good job but I really want to help her. hopefully we don't drive each other crazy and the impatient me will be able to remain calm :D
Pochi reunion on last wednesday was zomg! The long awaited reunion! I remember alot of eating and laughing! oh yes, we went to this korean place to eat where they serve fried chicken and they play dbsk concert! we were like squealing and laughing and eating at the same time! way to multi-task! atq was half blind because her contact lenses pop out of her eyes as she was eating :o oh and we tried korean rice cakes which is crazy shit spicy! it was so red i didn't even think it was edible! but omg, eating, laughing, random talk, bullying, mocking, it was the best day ever!
^from my cam
^from atq's cam..
Anyway, I went on a short vacation with family to malaysia last week. Went to KL to visit some relatives and then we went to Cameron Highlands for a one day trip. My uncle drove us to Cameron and omg, the winding road made me and siblings car sick! i couldn't even enjoy the beautiful scenery as we drove up Cameron. We met some orang Asli and they were nice people, talking to us, telling us to get water to clean ourselves up. My parents and siblings saw more than what they bargain for! Let's just say, they need more clothes!
Anyway, Cameron is a beautiful beautiful place! it was awesome and i was explaining to my siblings how mountains are form and going on and on about geography stuff. total dork :D it was quite cold too! I still remember the thermometer reading in car decreasing gradually as we went up. I don't mind living there but then the road up and down the mountain would kill me! We went strawberry picking too! My uncle and dad were happily munching on strawberries as they pick and eventually got scolded by the farm care taker. But it was too late, because the 2 guys were full from eating-.- The short vacation was fun because of my cousins too! One of the most random thing i did was to help my grandma clean her huge house porch, and for me to start cleaning is very rare :D
have a nice day and for those who have MST like me, good luck :)