May 08, 2010 01:02
Today, I am considering the construct of human relations and wondering if it is inevitably stuck in a master-slave dialectic. Is there a possibility for a master-master or slave-slave dialectic? Is it possible for there to ever be equality? Or are we destined to either serve and dictate in every relationship we share with another person be it a romantic or platonic one?
I once considered taking a path of self-destruction towards alienation and hermitage cos I am too much of a coward to kill myself. Looking back, it was a choice motivated by selfish reasons that resonate even now. Are we allowed to be selfish in our attempt to save ourselves even if by doing so we'd end up hurting everyone else? Or is selfishness just a silver lining on a cloud that we could only see but never grasp?
Oh, questions about life and the-other-thing-that-shall-not-be-named-for-the-fear-of-inducing-panic-in-the-hearts-of-people-that-care-for-me. I wonder if our ancestors during the cave-man era ever sat down upon a rock, during the countless hours that they had to themselves without the amazing inventions we have in this present day to distract them, and asked the same questions that I ask myself now.