Aug 09, 2010 21:51
Well, this review is about 2 months late, but the Last Airbender movie, putting casting failures aside, was horrible. Horrible pacing, horrible script, horrible acting. It was like Shyamalan just fast-forwarded through the entire first season and asked himself, "What sticks out as I do this?" and had the entire plot revolving around those key moments.
I'm torn with Eureka. I love the episodes, they're like seasons 1&2. Plus, with this storyline, we might get a chance to see some characters return. I just wish they'd stop re-writing the continuity. Technically, they never have, I know, because the season 1 finale was more of a "return the timeline to its original path" sort of thing, and we never got to see what those 4 years were like (aside from tremendously different). But I still feel like they keep changing and changing things. Probably it stems from the revolving-door cast. I prefer the S1 set-up, but oh well. I do like Trevor "Charles" Grant. I just hope we keep him. (I'm also an episode behind, because I'm on Hulu's schedule, which doesn't air episodes until 8 days after its first air, so no spoilers, please!)
Skimming through Hulu's shows, though, there are a lot there that I didn't realize were. IRIS is there, which is an amazing Korean spy/secret organization drama. But there's also Magic Knight Rayearth and X and xxxHolic (what, no Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle?), from CLAMP, The Invisible Man (2000), Highlander, The A-Team, and others. I should look into LEXX, see if that's interesting. I wish they had Brimstone, though. John Glover as the (slightly campy!)devil, yes please.
Umm, on the not!tv side of things, I'm almost finished with this wolves cross-stitch that I started...I don't know how long ago. 2 years, maybe? It's a really big pattern with lots of different threads, the biggest project I've done yet. I'll be happy when I can go back to smaller projects, le sigh.
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle continues to be mind-screwy. It only has one more volume to be released (in English), I believe, so you would think things would get cleared up in that volume. From what I've read, though, CLAMP made things even MORE mind-screwy. *sigh*
I've also decided someday, I'll go to San Diego Comic Con. It would be especially awesome if I could go while Eureka or one of my other shows was still on, so I can go to the panels and get spoilered enjoy the discussion of the shows. Maybe one day I'll even go to Sakuracon, since that's only in Seattle, and theoretically within driving distance.
I feel like I'm forgetting something... We'll see if I remember later.
Buffy (excited): Spike and I are getting married!
Xander: How? What? How?
Giles: Three excellent questions. --Something Blue, BtVS