YAY being done with the quarter! Winter quarters always seem to be the worst for me, even if I had great classes.
In my Lat & Grk final someone had drawn a nice big blue TARDIS on the chalkboard. Heh. It was enjoyable to see right before a test. The test itself wasn't hard, though there were some things I didn't know, and I got out in 20 minutes even with 2 hours allotted, so yay easy finals.
And...I really, really, really randomly became interested/obsessed with a character from a show I don't watch. Castiel from Supernatural. I don't know how it happened. I hadn't seen an episode of the show, I hadn't even really seen any pictures of him except LJ-icons, I'd read of him from various LJ-comms, and then poof I loved him maybe a week ago (wow, that sounds corny, doesn't it?). *sigh* These things always happen at the end of quarters. I don't know why. If I didn't only have one finals week left after this, I'd make a vow to avoid fandom/new fandom starting at least two weeks before the end of quarters. Though, I'm not really interested in watching the show. Just the character. Hmm....
Okay, in retrospect maybe I know what hooked me--it was probably the fandom cage match Nikki linked to in her LJ some time ago. There'd been a comparison chart between the Doctor and his coat and Castiel and his coat. At that point I voted the Doctor hands down--who's this oddball Castiel and how could he match up to the Doctor?? And now, if I were to revisit that comparison chart, I think it'd be a more-even battle.
Although, reading all those fanfics about Castiel (unsurprisingly) led to a lot of fanfic about the actual main characters of the show and one's great love for pie, and I've now been craving pie. It's an interesting coincidence that my craving started on Pie Day, though I didn't get any pie. Maybe when I'm home......
And...um, apparently SCIFI channel is
undergoing identity issues. But I guess they have good reasons listed for the name change to "SyFy." Maybe some old fantasy/scifi shows will air, or some cancelled shows might get picked up by them?
Also, EUReKA is moving to Friday nights, 9PM, and the rest of Season 3 starts on July 10th. Four days earlier than the last reported date, so I'm cool with that. I can only hope Dollhouse's first season is (fully! *glares at FOX*) completed before July (I'm sure it will). Watching the last bit of S.3 might get interesting when Dollhouse starts up again in the fall. I'm not sure how I feel about the move from Tuesdays, though. EUReKA and Tuesdays are just...perfect. An OTP if you will. I like having my TV spread out throughout the week (though Leverage and EUReKA would have been on the same day).
The Greeks have started on their drunken rambles (tonight). Though there's a new person somewhere on Greek Row (or maybe in one of Hansee's rooms facing Greek Row) this year--whenever the drunk Greeks do go out and start singing/fighting/whatever, they always shout at them to "shut up!" It's a bit amusing, especially when the drunks don't listen the first six or seven times.
[Passing a prison]
T.J. Davenport: Just think about all of those frighteningly dangerous criminals.
Bova: They're locked up. Usually, it's the ones that are free you have to worry about.
[on a strange, new ship being targeted by missiles]
Commander Seth Goddard: Radu, raise the shields.
Radu: How do I do that?
Commander Seth Goddard: I don't know. --Space Cases