50 Books in a Year Update:
17. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
18. Cast in Shadows by Michelle Sagara
I kinda liked Cast in Shadows, and I'll probably read the rest of the books in that series. I'm not head-over-heels crazy about it not like Eureka but I won't labor over reading it, at least.
Also happy for Brisingr to finally come out soon (9/20) so I can finish the trilogy. I hate leaving series unfinished; I'm still haunted by how I have a few books of Animorphs left to read but can't get my hands on them. *sigh*
Firstly, a week late rundown of last week's episode:
-Terry's first appearance in the episode = slightly monster-mash-movie creepy character intro. Nice way to set the tone.
-Recycled urine for rain = EW. And, later, Stark's turned into a sweet guy, shutting off the planned rain so everybody (probably only for Allison and Jack) would at least be comfortable.
-Fargo & Vincent fanboyism FTW! They even have a fanboy clap! Though, really, the idea that Eureka has its own Survivor is kinda sad. "Lab 27" a title does not make.
-"So he has a green thumb." Ba-dum-dum-CRASH! Jack making inside jokes without even realizing it.
-Yay for Jack coming up with a brilliant plan to help the people! Holographic Henry! "I'm just glad you have pants." *cue curious head tilt*
-SUPER YAY for Henry's (bodily) return to Eureka! *dances* The Carter-Henry-Stark Super Team of Eureka has been restored!
-On that note, I really loved the Nathan-Jack banter this episode. Lots of rivalry/respect/friendship present here.
And I know Eva Thorne's is supposed to be a character we're meant to be suspicious about/hate, but I will be sooo happy when she leaves. A good deal of what I don't like about her is how she keeps saying she wouldn't presume to tell people how to do their jobs....and then proceeding to do so. Grrr! I like Vincent's $25 cup of coffee, though; looks like even Thorne doesn't put her coffee beneath "efficiency." I wonder what sort of coffee beans would result in a coffee that costs $25/cup......
And now, to tonight's episode!
-Parent who wants their child to challenge themselves in their academic studies, while said child is already challenged enough: Totally something I cna relate to. *sigh*
-Jo drooling over the thought of weaponized dogs = so Jo.
-Return of old scientists = Yay!
-Jack showered by disgusting things #596: Artificial mucus!
-Nobody believes Jack about the mysterious Northern Lights right before an earthquake--Booo! How many times has Jack saved Eureka and now nobody trusts him? Pssh.
-Scientist who has crossed the fine line between genius and insanity (though only slightly): Priceless.
-Girly!Jo = awesome.
-Jack showered by disgusting things #597: Mud! (though Allison got the worst of it, in a VERY pretty wedding dress, no less)
-Henry! Learn your lesson! Don't keep secrets to yourself! Tell Jack! (And Allison and Nathan!)
-Wedding dress you cannot get off (and can barely breathe because of it) because it was electronically fitted to your body and the electronics have short-circuited: Proof that high-tech is not always better.
-Jack: "Okay, just...tell me if this is a stupid idea." Nathan (immediately): "Yes."
-Perfectionist Teacher Stark FTW! "Let's go hunt for lava, Fifi!" "It's magma!" Thought: Has Nathan taken it upon himself to teach Jack so he'd stop coming across as, well, stupid? That way Thorne would have less reason to throw Jack out of Eureka? As if she ever could.
-Fargo, Fargo, Fargo. Using a real-live dog in the Eureka dog show, shame!
-"Fargo's a cheater." Ah, Jack, we could've told you that long ago! Back in Season 1, even!
-YAY HENRY! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! You let Jack in on it! And Jack's not fooled by Eva Thorne!
-Yay for awesome father-daughter moment! And, also, SARAH for developing an awesome sense of humor. SARAH "Stress is the number one killer in America." Jack: "Yeah, drop dead." SARAH: "Followed by sarcasm."
I don't know if it's because I missed it, but...was there no Degree Men product placement in the episode???? *cheers* And I don't know if it's because I didn't watch the commercials very closely, but I think they stopped bombarding people with the Degree commercials, too. Yayz!!
So, The Fixer's Evil Plot Update So Far:
-Vial of purple liquid
-Took film reels from the shut down Eureka Museum, which showed land collapsing and something that looked like an atomic explosion; dated Feb. 21 1938.
-Was highly interested in grassy lands (is it the place where that explosion was?) which Henry found to have high concentration of radiation, including some theoretic bariogenetic(?) radiation.
And next-week's episode (which was, irritatingly, part of the commercials instead of at the end of this episode) should be excellent! Though, I'm trying not to let their voice-over predicting doom and badness get me down.
In news not focused on fangirlism: I think my body has finally figured out that, yes, I don't want to wake up before 6AM every single morning, particularly when I don't go to bed til at least midnight for no particular reason. Course, it's not much better waking up at 7AM, but hey, I'll take whatever I can get.
My sister and mother got sick this past week, which is really bad for them but I'm happy because A) It's vindication for me, because they always accuse me of passing it on to them, and B) I didn't catch it! *cheers* I think I might've, but I took a few vitamin supplements and chugged down lots of orange juice once we bought it, so huzzah, huzzah.
My sister is a cross-stitcher, and she gets all these British cross-stitching magazines from the bookstores. She got one edition for some reason or another (kitties lion cubs and fairies), and then noticed as she flipped through something that
resembled what Nikki and I labored over. She wanted to surprise me for when I returned from Rome, but she's not the queen of hiding things--I walked into the room the day after I came back, she was stitching the project, and I got to squeal over my Dalek cross-stitch present in the making. It's from the Cross Stitcher Magazine issue #202 (August 2008), for anyone who wants to know. I only asked she modify the design so that the word "Exterminate!" was on the bottom *WINS* Pic will come when she's ready to give it to me.
I'm also interested in watching Sanctuary on SciFi when it comes this fall. My TV line-up this year looks to be a bit busy... *sigh*
[Superman busts into a Lexcorp lab]
Joker: More powerful than a locomotive...and just about as subtle.
[The Lexwing has just crashed into the ocean, exploding, with the Joker inside]
Harley Quinn: Puddin'!
Batman: At this point, he probably is. --World's Finest