There's a Reason I have my Laptop with me at 10:30AM...honest!

Mar 13, 2008 10:04

I spent almost 2 hours last night watching the uproar unfold about the extermination of Basic/Free Account creation. And srsly LJ/SUP? Not informing your users =/= COOL. Something similar I saw one poster write: "Not rogue. Not ninja. Not sneaky. We saw what you did there."

And, yeah, I'm typing this as I'm sitting in class. And no, I'm totally not sitting here, 30 minutes early for my class, like a geek. *whistles innocently* I do have an honest reason for bringing my laptop, of course (Korean skits and props...woohoo), but since I have it anyway, why not sit in the back of the classroom and type on my lj? Everybody else does it (and nope, I would not follow somebody off a bridge if they jumped, mainly because of my absolute terror of heights and falling). I guess it makes me somewhat of a sheep, though. Mooooo.

That big long list I put up in one of my previous entries? The one about the homework and this week and how I've something to do every single day and nothing's going to get done and I'll never see sleep ever again?

Yeah. I probably blew it out of proportion, but to be fair the Korean translation assignment was painful to do (and will probably be painful to grade, even) and I've yet to do start my 5-6 page film paper. It shouldn't be a terribly difficult assignment, but unless I focus on the lighting, sound, and/or camera movement of the film, I'm guaranteed not to get even a 3.5. And, yes, since I'm aware of this, I should in theory focus on it. But it's kinda hard to focus on these things after watching movies passively for my entire life. That, and I'm a bit miffed with the teacher (though she's still a blast). She constantly compares the medium of films to novels, and that we're meant to analyze films like we would novels, to find the intent of the author/director, to see how they went about representing those intents. So, I figure, analyzing characters is golden. But apparently it's too "plot-oriented" for her (she has this really big thing against plot, seemingly), and it's not really analyzing the film.

All those years of English classes telling me to analyze characters because they're important to the author's message must have been teaching me wrong, I s'pose.

She even analyzes characters, too. In class, there's always discussion about what Character A did that was so incredibly symbolic/against the norm/characterization of the setting itself. So, okay. English classes have taught me wrong, but it's okay for her to analyze characters. Check.

On a happier note, after I finish this paper and my Weather final I'M DONE WITH WINTER! Wooo! And I hope to everything good and kind that my spring quarter lives up to the hype I've plastered on it. Because having classes I'm okay with but tired of in the middle of the third week? Not interested in repeating. Plus, I return to being an actual Creative Writing major. Well, English major, but Chaucer fulfills CW-graduating requirements, too.

Please. Pleasepleasepleaseplease let Chaucer be a good class.

Ahh, and here come the saner students. Is it sad that I'm sitting almost kitty-corner to where I usually sit, all in the effort to avoid the one girl I ranted about maybe a month ago? I almost fear what she would do to my laptop if she saw it. She has already shown a fondness for writing in the notebook I keep for notes (and am I the only one in the universe who believes it's completely wrong for people to indulge in the liberty of writing in other people's notebooks without an invitation????), I hate to think what she'd do to my Beloved Source For Everything. *shudder*

It feels very strange sitting back here. Hopefully Jerome's lectures don't lose their awesomeness with increasing distance from the front. Oooooh, tornadoes!

Oh, and course evals. Yay....

I'm ready for today to be over. And Friday, because that means the paper is done. *checks clock on the task bar* Nope, still Thursday. ......*checks again*

Anything that is in the world when you're born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works. Anything that's invented between when you're fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it. Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things. --Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt


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