
Mar 06, 2008 16:43

Winter quarter went by so fast...and yet now is the time when ALL the work is due. Tonight I have to write 2 grammar questions for my Korean final test, which really isn't a huge issue except it's just a little busy-work I really could have done without. The only bright side to it is the fact that I'll know what's on the Korean test next week. Then I have my Korean skit lines to translate for next Thursday, and I have to write...10 Korean lines on this "GoPost" thing that I should have been doing the last 10 weeks of the quarter but haven't been because....well, because it never comes to mind for me. My Saturday (3/8) is completely shot, because I'm doing the Hansee Hall Ball thing, so I really have to do all that either today, tomorrow, or Sunday, on top of preparing for this last week, which is going to be the true death of me....

A) 1 page Korean translating project. As in, I have to take a Korean article and translate it fully, and explain the parts I couldn't translate.
B) 2 page film reflection.

A) Korean test on vocab and grammar, takes the full hour.

A) 10 pages of Weather homework.
B) Korean test on diction and reading, takes the full hour.

A) Korean skit, ~14 memorized lines. And no, "Hello" lines don't count.

A) 5-6 in-depth film analysis paper.

And then my Weather final during finals week. Blegh.

In other news not me whinging about schoolwork, the Dalai Lama is coming to the UW. I dunno if I'd go, but it'd be cool.

I've told myself time and again to go to bed early, because I wake up tired after 6 hours of sleep, but when 12AM rolls around...I always manage to find something I want to do. Read fanfiction, listen to just that one last song, read really awesome quotes (...yes, I do manage to waste an entire hour just reading quotes....*whistles innocently*), so much so that I've been hitting the sack by about....2AM. *sigh* Spring break...that'll be my time to catch up on sleep. Yeah, that's my excuse....

I bought a new pair of shoes for Hall ball and some really cheap Claire fishnets. ^.^ And they're really cute shoes, too. Though, apparently at DSW I am mostly size 5-5 1/2, but managed to find and buy the one pair of size 6 shoes that fit me. Hmmm. Yes, I'm getting really dressy for this ball thing, which is okay because it's the first time in about...3 years. So, it's okay. And I have now discovered that, if I'm ever at Northgate for some reason and feel like ice cream (but randomly don't want to stop by the Baskin Robbins at Northgate.....) I know to take the 75, but the long-bus 75, which stops at the Baskin Robbins on 45th. And then, when I'm done with my ice cream, I can hop back onto the 75th which takes me right up to the HUB and I can avoid the Hill of Death. *wins*

Tuesday I went to the HUB, where some group or another had this contest going on where you guessed how many condoms were in the jar. I don't know what the prize is, I don't know who it was for, but I kinda shrugged and made a guess and submitted it. We'll see, we'll see. I doubt I'll win, I went for a slightly conservative answer. Hopefully the prize, if I do somehow win, isn't something crazy like being their spokesperson for a year. Or winning all the condoms in the jar. Because....really? Really really? I don't think anyone in the universe needs as many condoms as I guessed (except maybe Captain Jack, but he's a special case).

And, because I'd feel odd if I didn't have at least one fandom-related topic in my was nice to see the usually emo!Ianto be imitatingexplodinghead!Ianto. Whatever category that may fall under. Sarcastic!Ianto? Hmm...*ponders*

EDIT 11:12PM: News on EUReKA!! Somewhat old news now, but...well, the second one is March 5, so not quite old. But YAY!!!

First one is about the strike's effect on the show. A possibility of more than 12-13 episodes this season??? SIGN ME UP AS PRO-LONGER SEASONS OF EUREKA!

Second one has some (read: 3) bits about third season. "an awesome scene involving the ongoing rivalry between Stark and Carter that's going to knock everyone's socks off." ???? WHY AM I BEING FORCED TO WAIT UNTIL AUGUST/SEPTEMBER/LATER FOR THIS????? WANT NOW PLZKTHNX!!!!! Something further from the writer's blog entry (look near the bottom of this link's article for the link to it, 4 lines from the bottom): "That is, if the scene makes the show's final cut. It's pretty intense...!"

ALSDKHF;ALKDHSFA;LSHDF!!! *settles in for the wait, eye on the ball like a cat and a mousehole*

Toshiko: You said we weren't allowed to use that again.
Jack: It's just a mind probe.
Ianto: Remember what happened last time you used it?
Jack: That was different. And that species has extremely high blood pressure.
Ianto: Oh, right. Their heads must explode all the time.
Gwen: Jack, you can't do this. What if you're wrong? If she is human, it'll kill her.
Jack: I'm not wrong. We have to find out what she is.
Toshiko: Take it easy, Jack. Stop at the first sign of trouble.
Ianto: Or at the first sign of exploding.

[to Owen, who insists on using (phone) communication]
Ianto: Mobiles, landlines, tin cans with bits of string - everything, absolutely everything! No phones, phones all broken. [mimics telephone] Hello? Anyone there? [normal] No, 'cause the phones aren't working!

[about information on a random person]
Owen: How do you know all that?
Ianto: I know everything. And it says so on the bottom of the screen.

Ianto: It's all over.
Owen: [pauses] Let's all have sex.
Ianto: [deadpan] And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse. --Torchwood, Sleeper

(Hmmmm......Deadpan!Ianto....that works.)

events, tw

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