Well....I can see how Tuesdays are gonna go....

Oct 09, 2007 20:02

I think I have a pretty good idea what are going to be my hell night/days. Monday night I'm going to be staying up late doing all the English creative writing assignments I was supposed to do over the weekend but didn't because of some reason or another. And then come Tuesday I'll get up early to do all the work I didn't finish before collapsing into bed Monday night/Tuesday early morning, and then (until Oct. 23rd, anyhow) I'll be on the runrunrunrun all day Tuesday going first to class, then to the Haunted Hansee meetings (more on that below), then to dinner, then probably do a little bit of Doctor Who with Nikki if she doesn't have any homework to do (which is totally ignoring the question of whether I have homework to do....but when do I ever actually do my homework a few nights before it's due? (answer: never).

However, I do think that this one instance of procrastination has effectively cured me from ever doing so again with the English classes. Creative writing? Difficult enough to do when you have 5 days to do it. When you make it so you only have 1 night? Um....do I need to go any further?

But, yes, the Haunted Hansee House. ^_____^ I'm not a fan of getting scared or whatnot (read earlier posts sometime around Oct. 20-31 2006 for the rant on that) but I do love dressing up and having fun. And if I get to freak people out? So much the better.

Because of my poetry class (again, more on that later....yes, this might be a longwinded entry, what with 5 hours of sleep and caffeine running through me...) I'm late to the H.H.H. meetings which start at 4:30. They were plotting out the rooms and assigning the few people who were there at the meeting to roles et. al., and I told them I was willing to do anything. (I'm not going to go into specifics here, just in case any UW students read this and plan on going to the Haunted House.) They had me originally in one room, but decided I'd work better in a different arena, and I agreed with their sentiment. ^.^ Heh heheheheh hehehehe. The night of the 27th I'll probably be running high on caffeine so I'll stay awake til 12-1ish, but they said they'll also feed us so it won't be on an empty stomach. And to all the UW-students....if you wanna play a role or be a guide or something.....you should volunteer....*hinthintnudgenudge*

For my Rocks for Jocks class there are optional field trips for extra credit, and they're starting this weekend. I signed up to go visit Mt. Ranier on Saturday because A) I don't have a flashlight and sturdy boots for cave-works and B) I'm not in the mood for the extremely long trip to Mt. St. Helens on Sunday. So on Saturday I'll (probably) be gone from 8-ish to 6-something-or-other. We'll see; if I come down with a cold or flu or stomach virus or if the Doctor comes by in his Tardis to whisk me away something so extremely wonderful occurs that completely eclipses the importance of good grades, I'll probably give up the opportunity for some other desiring soul. There's also a trip to "Discovery Park," whatever that is. I should probably look it up. There are actually 4 trips to the Park on 4 separate days, but guess what? Because of my schedule, I am capable of only going on one of those days. And, of course, it's the very first trip, which I'll have barely an hour to drop my stuff off, get something to eat, and head over to Johnson before the bus/van takes off. I'm probably overdramatizing it, but still. *sigh*

There are other field trips, and I'm looking them over to see if I want to go to any. Altogether there are: Mt. Rainier (going), Ape Cave Mt. St. Helens (not), Discovery Park (going), Whidbey Island, Columbia Plateau, Fidalgo Island, Stevens Pass, and the Imax Night at the Movies. The Imax one I'm probably going to go, it all depends on if I really want to brave the Seattle transit system. I want to go to the Columbia Plateau one because I'm interesting in traveling, no matter the distance, and I've never been to Central Washington before. The only problem is...it's the Sunday after Haunted Hansee. And I'll be up til probably at least 2 in the morning that night, and the bus leaves at 8 a.m. and doesn't come back til 6 p.m. Um...can you say completely outofmymind with exhaustion? And then there would be Monday morning, which I know I have a Korean test that day MIDTERM that day. O.O Sooooooo........maybe not. I dunno...it all depends on how I'm feeling that day. Maybe if I take some Rockstar Juiced.......

I don't really have anything terribly exciting to report. There was a fire drill last night (finally...) in which two girls got trapped in their bathrobe and towel.

I like the niche on my floor. I'm kind of on a side-hallway, not on the main thoroughfare, so we're sort of a little mini-cluster. I know the faces of pretty much everyone in my area (and even their names! GASPSHOCKAMAZEMENT) but for one or two people who never come out of their rooms. One guy who I think lived here (here as in Hansee) last year mentioned that this year is so much better, because people in our niche make noise. I like the 24-hour quiet hour policy, but I also don't mind a little bit of ruckus that let's me know my neighbor isn't in their room dead and rotting.... y'know, things like that.

Um...do I have anything more to add? Not really....have I mentioned I'm wiped out? No? Well, I'm wiped out. And House is on in 20 minutes, and I have Korean homework to do, so I'm gonna go do that and head on over to Nikki's and go to bed early because...well, just because.

OH! I totally said I was gonna talk about my Poetry class and totally didn't. Uh, maybe another day.

And they always say things like that the snow is a white
blanket after a winter storm.
Oh it is, is it, all right then, you sleep under a six-inch
blanket of snow and I'll sleep under a half-inch
blanket of unpoetical blanket material and we'll see
which one keeps warm.....
--Ogden Nash's Very Like a Whale

poetry, haunted house

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