Done with Classes, yay

Jun 01, 2007 12:05

I'm done with classes for the school year. Hoorah! It was kinda interesting, because at the start of the year I began with Korean, and now at the end I have ended with Korean. I found it interesting, at least. Now I only have to worry about a Korean test on Monday (ack!), a New Testament test on Tuesday (eek!), and my E. Religions paper that is due also on Monday (*dies*).

The last time I went home I tried to reduce the amount of stuff I had to move out with by taking books home. And now....I've bought more books to take their place on my bookshelf. *headdesk* But I got myself a Barnes & Noble membership, which while I could have used my friend's, it would probably be easier for me in the long run just to have my own. *shrugs*

I 4.0'd my Korean skit, which will probably improve my Korean grade a bit, but I'm still concerned with the final. The Korean teachers had set up a study session yesterday night, so I went. Two hours later, I walked out convinced that I am going to do horribly on it.

I'm going to try and sell back some of my books, but I'm slightly concerned that I'm not going to get my money's worth back. I might wait until the classes the books are for are offered again so the demand is higher.

I'm thinking about dropping the Western Religions class I enrolled in for Autumn quarter and replacing it with something else (not sure what, yet). I am not too sure I want to minor in Comparative Religion anymore. Maybe I'll take other C. Religion classes just for my own pleasure and, if it turns out I am fascinated by it, I'll take W. Religions at another time.

I need to start packing, but I'm going to wait for Vanessa to get at least the majority of her stuff packed before I begin. And then I can call my sister and let her know precisely how many more storage-devices (suitcases, baskets, etc.) she needs to bring up with her so I can pack more stuff away.

The HFS people sent me an email yesterday offering me discounts and special offers to move into Nordheim Court (an apartment complex close to school) because "they need my room." I thought, Heck no I'm not giving up my room; it may not be the biggest room, but it's a single. I waited until I was twenty to apply for Hansee, and dammit I'm gonna enjoy my seniority over the other residents who want in but can't. Maybe for my senior year I'll try living in an apartment; I highly doubt it, but it is a possibility. So long as my financial aid can be applied to rent and all that jazz....but then I'd have to use money out of my own bank account for food.. ehh.

There'll be a double update today, because I don't really feel like lengthening this entry with a fic update. Maybe triple updates, if I want to upload more than 1 fic.

One final thought: Mochi ice cream is delicious.

Edit 3:12 P.M.: I just created a Greatestjournal account. Nothing much up yet, and I'm still tinkering with styles and whatnot. My reasons for getting one? What won me over was the 2000 userpics, but... *shrugs* I'm a writer. A whole other journal appealed to me. It'll probably be my primary fanfiction journal, though I'll still post my works up here. This:

is the link to it. Again, it's not very impressive.

"It was a couple of days before Kate Schechter became aware of any of these things, or indeed of anything at all in the outside world.
She passed the time quietly in a world of her own in which she was surrounded as far as the eye could see with old cabin trunks full of past memories in which she rummaged with great curiosity, and sometimes bewilderment. Or, at least, about a tenth of the cabin trunks were full of vivid, and often painful or uncomfortable memories of her past life; the other nine-tenths were full of penguins, which surprised her. Insofar as she recognised at all that she was dreaming, she realised that she must be exploring her own subconscious mind. She had heard it said that humans are supposed only to use about a tenth of their brains, and that no one was very clear what the other nine-tenths were for, but she had certainly never heard it suggested that they were used for storing penguins." --The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul, by Douglas Adams

korean, dna, major

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