May 04, 2007 18:53
So, last night at about 12:30 AM our neighbor Sam and her boyfriend were over playing Spyro and Vanessa and I were just kinda lounging (and, of course, I wasn't doing any of my homework, a la me) around, and the four of us started hearing Sam's roommate getting it on with her boyfriend.
While none of us really have any issue with the idea of people having sex or whatnot, we did have an issue with *hearing* the sex going on and having her damn bed banging into our shared wall. We were concerned that Leah, Sam's other (much, *much* nicer) roommate was actually still inside the room while they were doing it, but much to our relief she came by from outside the room, having studied for a midterm. But then, even worse, the nasty roommate *deadbolted* the door against Sam and Leah, so they couldn't get in at 1:30 in the morning. This isn't the first time the roommate's done it, so the RA is now involved.
Boy, does the roommate have a rather icy glare when she feels everyone's oppressing her. But it's not right that 2 other people, who pay an exorbitant amount of money for a bed and closet, are completely uncomfortable and even a little bit *afraid* of going into their own room at 1 in the morning.
Today's classes were interesting enough. I've done none barely any of my Eastern Religion readings (I had actually already heard of the whole Horse sacrifice ritual from--guess what!--fanfiction! Teehee, and my roommate rolls her eyes at me whenever she finds me reading my addiction healthy hobby) and the TA for my quiz section decided we'd have a Jeopardy game based on what we've learned about Chinese religion.
I thought: Oh fucking crap.
And then the TA informed us that it was an open-book/notes game.
My thought changed to: Oh, just crap then.
Surprisingly, I actually contributed about 2 correct answers. Go me! And my team (the Lobes....for Buddha's earlobes....but I don't think the class or the TA got it...) won the game, so we got extra credit! ^.^ That's a very good thing. I need as much as I can get.
And then in Korean, because we had a vocab test that day, our teacher also played a game for an extra credit point on our test. We played to 10 points, and my team only missed 1 question out of the 11 questions asked (we tied twice with the other team). And I actually *knew* the vocab for this test, and I remembered to actually conjugate what needed to be conjugated (unlike my last test, which I only aced because so many people missed the direction to conjugate the words that the teacher couldn't conscientiously grade it against us and thus fail the entire class) so I'm sure I passed. There was this odd phrase that wasn't in the book and we never learned on one of the questions, but I'm pretty sure our teacher will take that into account and won't grade it against us. If not, I have a +1 cushion for me, so I think I'll get 10/10.
I came back to the room in a somewhat good mood, but then I found Vanessa sobbing because some fucking jackass son of a bitch moron slit open the roof of her soft-top car. The University doesn't have security of any sort in their parking garages, not even a security camera to film what's happening, and the UWPD cop who answered Vanessa's report didn't do jack-squat. Vanessa did more detective work than he did by taking pictures and finding footprints on the car. I hope whoever did it gets reincarnated as a short-lived, ugly, decrepit bug.
I have to go to the Seattle Asian Art Museum tomorrow for my Eastern Religions class. Except....I don't wanna. I don't want to ride the bus all by my lonesome to some place I've never been before. But I have to, because I have a presentation to do next Friday on whatever excursion I do and the only thing I can do is that SAAM visit. *sigh* Oh well. Depending on how things go, I may decide to go to a comic book store because my good friend Jared (who is a complete Buffy fanatic) informed me a comic book store is the only place I'll find the Buffy comic series. I believe there is a comic book store somewhere on the Ave; it's just a matter of locating it. And I also have to go to another store to buy Jared his bday present; turns 21 in a few weeks, so kinda need to pick out something good for him ^.~
*Edit 8:15 PM: Forgot to mention! My very nice RA gave Leah, Sam, and I a tour of Hansee hall. It is SO freaking awesome! It's so much like what I would envision parts of Hogwarts to look like, lol! There are even SECRET PASSAGES in it! (they only go for about five feet and the actual door to the room you end up in is only a few feet away, but STILL!) I'm definitely going to do my very bestest to get a room in Hansee for next year. Even with a small room it'd still be absolutely cool to live there (though I am definitely aiming for one of the larger rooms--window seat and an extra-large room, hell yeah!!)
[paraphrased, because I don't bring the HP books up with me to campus]
Hermione: "The Devil's Snare likes dark, damp places..."
Harry [being choked alongside Ron by the Devil's Snare]: "So light a fire!"
Hermoine [anxious]: "Yes, but....there's no wood!"
Ron: "Are you kidding me?! Are you a witch or not?!"
Harry: "It's a good thing Hermione keeps her head in a crisis."
Ron: "Yeah, and it's good you do, too; 'there's no wood,' honestly!" --Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone