what if they lose my luggage at the airport?

May 30, 2007 14:01

So the semester ended a couple of weeks ago, and I haven't really posted an entry since about a week before that, so here's some terribly interesting things that are going on in my life right now:

- Jamaica tomorrow, until next Tuesday
- Utah/Missouri from the Tuesday after that until the following Sunday
- oh my god I need a job like, right now
- I still haven't seen Pirates, and I'm not sure that I care
- I've spent the past week and a half cleaning my room and trying to unpack, which has been much more successful than I expected
- I don't know who my roommate will be next year, and I won't know until after their freshman orientation session is over
- I just remembered that I had a dream last night where I moved in, and my new roommate was cool and she asked me if I minded that she was bi (ha, that's funny)
- there's nothing else that's interesting, especially since half of that wasn't interesting either

I don't really miss school that much. I mean, I miss hanging out with people, and I miss having things to do, because I'm bored to tears here, but I'm doing just fine without being there. I think it was the relative lackluster quality of things that defined my year. It was fine, and it could have been much worse, but it wasn't exactly what I'd hoped it would be. I'm hoping that I'll be able to make the necessary adjustments next year to make things more... good. That sounds awful, 'more good'. Less bad? It wasn't really bad, though, just not great. It may be that the amount of other people's stuff that I had to throw away while cleaning the suite, and the amount of other people's stuff I brought home is helping me to articulate how I feel about things. That's a little depressing and angsty sounding though, so don't think about that. This is probably a good time to mention that Deb, I have you copy of Velvet Goldmine, and Liz, I have that towel that I never washed for you, and your Jimi Hendrix poster. Also, if anyone wasn't around for it, we gave that copy of Field of Dreams to Airrion, who was like, "uh... okay" when we offered it to him.

And now that I've done a sufficient amount of rambling, a meme:

Icon Meme
Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pickevery fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, and what significance it has.

This is my default, it's Stevie Nicks, holding a tambourine and a rose. I found the full picture on the Fleetwood Mac website one day when I was looking for lyrics, and I thought it was really pretty, and it matched the colors I had just changed my layout to (which are still the same), so I cropped it into a square I liked, and it's an icon.

I made this a few weeks after I made the Stevie one, it's Kim, from cycle god knows what of America's Next Top Model. She was my favorite that season, and they did these half-lame, half-awesome pinup pictures, and hers came out really great, and so I went looking for it after the episode aired. It didn't match my layout at all, and I believe this was back when Kevin Muller was rating LJs, so I wanted my icons to match, and so I recolored it to match (it was originally a red corset and a black flower, I think, and her hair was redder.)

This photo I found in a random google search of "fashion photography". I downloaded a few from the set, but I liked this one the best. It was in all black and white originally, I just made the flowers blue and cropped it.

A photo of David Thewlis, who plays Lupin in the Harry Potter movies (as if anyone reading this wouldn't know). He's my favorite character, and I love Pink Floyd, and it all fit rather nicely together, so I made a little icon. I think I recolored the picture too, to make it that orangey-reddish color. I really like this icon, but the text is only so-so with the readability, and it doesn't match my layout, so I don't use it much.

This is the turkey that was made for the banquet scene when we did Macbeth last year. It was made from a brown paper bag, and when I saw it, I thought of the Fiona Apple song, and I thought it would be terribly clever of me to make an icon out of it. I made the icon, but I don't really use it. In fact, I think it's only use was on the entry about Macbeth. I'd get rid of it, but I still think it's funny and I don't post enough or switch icons enough to bother.

A crop of a screenshot from Project Runway. The screenshot is of a photo that Daniel Vosovic took, and then used to "inspire" his outfit that week. It's of orchids in the lobby of Michael Kors'... studio? office building? hiding place? I dunno. I liked Daniel a lot, and the colors in the picture vaguely matched my layout. I use it occasionally.
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