I feel like making that 'grr, argh' sound again

Nov 16, 2006 02:16

I just took a break from George Orwell (and is there any reason why someone in their right mind should do that?) and ended up reading back entries on my LJ about as far back as last summer. This makes me way, way nostalgic, and I realized that the entry I made right before the first day of senior year was exactly how I'm feeling now. That usually doesn't happen, mind you, as normally I will look back even six months and think how different things are. (Bee tee double-yew, it'll be six months in about three weeks and things *aren't* incredibly different.)

Today I spent a good cumulative half hour trying to remove the top from my thermos, which has somehow become lodged in place, effectively barring me from a) washing it out and b) refilling it with .79 coffee. This kind of sucks major, because it means either I have to wait until I go home and try to get other people to get the top off, which means not getting coffee for about a week, or buy a new one, which means another 8 something bucks, and that I'll end up with two thermoses if I can ever get the top off of the first one. I don't know how I manage these things.

They tell me Mercury is in retrograde, which, as an excuse for all of the clumsy things I've been doing lately works almost as well as pms (and yes, I do actually become clumsy when I'm pmsing). Today, not only did I have the thermos mishap, but I also managed to knock over a bowl of Cheerios onto the common room floor *with* the Cheerio box, *and* fuck up the zipper on my grey coat, which is the one I use when it's raining, which it's been doing lately. Come to think of it, my umbrella somehow got fucked up late last week as well, so go figure.

I'm now going to go back to poor George Orwell, who I've been sorely neglecting.
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