Jan 31, 2006 23:40
Today's C++ Topic: Power Rangers!
Fun day. It really was a fun day, overall. I'm on overpopulation discussion overload, and I'm worried about creative writing, but I think that today was the kind of day that I like having. Tomorrow won't be too bad, hopefully, and Thursday will be simple and full of reminiscing about German things. And you know how hopelessly in love I am with doing that.
Today's exciting news: I bought a dress form on ebay. Of my two possible purchases today (a totally kickass prom dress, or that), I think this one will be much more awesome in the long run, and I'm really excited about it. Plus, it's about forty dollars cheaper than the dress would have been XD. So now I can construct shit right on the form, and know it will fit me perfectly and blah blah blah. Kickass.