Weekend and questions

Jan 08, 2006 22:58

1. What is one ability or talent that you wish you had? I wish I could draw people. I guess that's kind of simple as far as something I'd like to be able to do, but it would make drawing costumes a lot easier (it's on my mind I guess) and it's just something that I've never been able to do.

2. What is your "type" of guy? Physically, scrawny with nice hair (any color, though I do tend to have a thing for blondes). Nonphysically, the usual - smart, funny, not an asshole except to people I hate.

3. What is your relationship with substances of an alcoholic nature? I am a fan, though I don't have the opportunity to drink very often. When I do, it's not generally in large quantities, as I really just feel tired if I have too much. I'll probably drink more once I get to college.

4. What will you do once you don't have Roger around all the time? I'll definitely feel much less like I have someone around who'll tell me what they're thinking, which will be both good and bad. And I'll need to find someone to remind me when I have to do work.

5. What is your quest? To follow that star... sorry. Anyway, I want to be happy. I've found that I usually don't know how that will come about, so I'm content at this point to let things take me along a little bit, though I'd like to think that I have some control over my destiny. Everything seems to have a way of working itself out for me, so hopefully I'll be able to give it an easy way of doing that, and if not I'll just have to work at it a little harder.

1. Who was your absolute worst teacher and why? I think I'd have to say math Miller (the younger). He was a first year teacher when I had him, and I got the feeling that he was more concerned with making friends with his students than teaching them anything. Given, I'm not very good at the subject he teaches, but he wasn't very good at teaching when I had him.

2. You wake up with Baby Grendel come to life standing over you with a knife. Are you honestly surprised? You know, I don't think I am. What I am is running.

3. You wake up, and Grendel is suddenly your mother. How long do you go before running away? Well, if I'm still the same age I am now, I think I'd just wait until college and then never go home. If I were a baby, then I'd wait until I could run.

4. What are your top picks for kids' names? Right now (these always change), I'm a particular fan of Charlotte, Sophie or Chloe for a girl and Nate, Alain or Matthew for a boy. If you asked me tomorrow, I would give you a completely different answer.

5. You are forced to wear one (non-neutral) color for the rest of your life. What is it? slate blue

Ok, anyway, it was a good weekend. Friday night was Chili's with Dani, Brie, Squab and various assundry people who have graduated and I don't see too often. I enjoyed myself, even though Brie put cracker crumbs in my iced tea. Yesterday was the mall with Brie and Squab, where we shopped for stripper heels and bowling shoes, neither of which we found. I got a skirt from H&M, because I can't seem to go in there and not do that. It's pretty^^.

Today was the little picture party at Brie's with the German trip group (or most of them), which was lots of fun. Yay, pictures. Once I got home I spent the rest of the day doing nothing and costume stuff, which suprisingly are not the same thing. I hate having to trace the people to draw the clothing on. That's why I wish I could draw people.

That is all, you may go.
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