Who: Squall, Selphie, Irvine, Zell, um, whoever else is at what's left of Balamb Garden really...
Where: See above. er, Balamb Garden.
When: Right after arrival.
What: Lots of "Aw shit..."
"Er, Commander..." The pilot looked up at Squall who was staring, stony faced, out the window of the Ragnarok. The Commander hadn't said anything. His arms were crossed and his face was pale, lips drawn tightly together. It was a not-so-subtle way of saying he'd cracked and something was about to blow up.
Or rather, it already had. Below them, Balamb Garden, what was left of it, stood still smoking. A few random fires could still be seen from up here. They hadn't been here.
Squall finally closed his eyes and sighed. He couldn't crack yet. It wasn't allowed.
"Hover here for a minute," he told the pilot and reached for the intercom. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen," he said woodenly, his eyes narrowing. "I'm sure you've seen what I'm looking at right now." He searched his memory bank and came up with three names of SeeDs who'd accompanied them to Esthar and who were on the ship. He ran those off. "Go to Balamb and get some doctors, all of them if you can. The rest of you, as soon as we land, start salvaging anything you can from the building, but more importantly, look for survivors and put those damned fires out. As soon as we land I'll get a group together to start setting up a triage staging area and a camp." They'd need somewhere to sleep tonight. He put the intercom down and glanced at the pilot. "Land," he said. "And then send a message to Galbadia and Trabia Gardens. We need help."