Mmm, posting access finally. ;P Ok folks, have at it.
Place: Gold Saucer
Reply: Anyone
Rated: Low... for now.
The Gold Saucer jutted out from the desert surround it like a mirage; it was a tourist hot spot almost too beautiful to be real. Gold plated marble glistened in the sunlight of early afternoon, dappled with violet-blue and yellow shadows and multi-changing lights flickering at random every few seconds. And inside, ever moving streams of people (mostly children) brushed by each other whispering secrets and exclamations punctuated by the soft music playing all over the park; chattering ups and downs of a gorgeously catchy melody. A person in a chubby Chocobo suit waddled up and down Wonder Square while elsewhere on the other side of the park a play was being acted out in Event Square. Children played, laughed, and shouted at one another, the decorated flooring clacking in time to their boisterous steps. Parents and couples strolled leisurely across painted cobblestones, toiling pleasantly beneath the well ventilated structure. The Gold Saucer was there to keep the masses amused and distracted from their everyday lives, troubles, and hassles. It accomplished such a feat with little to no trouble at all.
Just as it did every day.
For longer than anyone could even remember.
All that was about to change.
With little warning, something like a trumpet screamed for attention and shattered the lighthearted tranquility. Over at the ticket line, the children quieted. The faces of their parents grew curious and bewildered. The man in the Chubby Chocobo suit continued to entertain, for he really couldn’t hear anything underneath all those layers of plastic and vinyl.
With a creak and a mutter, the Tram’s mighty steel doors slid slowly open. Inexpressibly unwelcome (or, it would have been had anyone known what was about to be unleashed on the park), Kefka emerged, a broad smile on his face. He breathed deeply, sucking in the odor of… children? ACK! Oh, how he much preferred the odor of burnt flesh instead. Ah well, you win some, you lose some. Hee hee hee.
He coughed once, twice, thumped his chest roughly with a palmed hand, and composed himself with a small shake of the head. "You truly are a masterpiece, Chaos," he giggled. "I won’t let you down." He once more inhaled deeply of the sweet scent of sacrifice.
“Time to get to work!” The maniac crooned, clapping his hands together and giggling some more before suddenly dashing over to the ticket-seller with a fearsome grin on his face. “LEMME IN!” He demanded entry, much to the chagrin of the people already standing in line whom he so thoughtfully butted in front of.
The ticker-seller jumped back several feet when he saw the crazed man come barreling toward him, and had half a mind to call security. Warily, he replied, “A one day pass costs 3,000 Gil, sir. Might I also recommend a lifetime pass for 30,000? It’s really a good deal, if you think about it…”
Kefka blinked, then stood back to rummage in his pockets, turning them out. Various objects fell to the ground; a dagger, an empty vial, a ball of yarn, something that looked suspiciously like a dead rat, a doll that was a mineralized version of himself, and of course, the materia he’d picked up earlier. He hastily picked that back up, but left the other items strewn at his feet. “Dearie me! I seem to have left my wallet at hooooome!” He sobbed into the cuff of his mismatched sleeve sorrowfully.
The man behind the counter watched as the dead rat suddenly twitched its leg, and almost did so himself. “Sorry sir, but, no Gil, no entry.”
“HEY WHAT’S THAT!” Kefka screamed in mock-terror, pointing behind the man frantically.
The man turned.
Cackling, Kefka bolted past him and into the park. ALL TOO EASY!
“What? I don’t see-“ The young man turned around, only to meet the face of another stranger. Uh oh… “Dammit!” he swore, punching several buttons on the intercom above his head. “Dio? It’s me. Yeah. We kinda have a problem here…”
As he strolled through the colorful wonder that was Wonder Square, contemplating the comparative merits of agony and suffering, a very uncomfortable thought occurred to Kefka. What if he was running out of ideas? Certainly subjugating this world could be fun, but he'd already done something like that to his own world a year ago, and ennui was starting to set in. Again. What he needed, Kefka realized, was some variety.
He wandered down to the arcade, admiring the gleaming lights and playful sounds the video game machines emitted. "Torture?" he mused as he watched children play and squeal in delight. "Virgin sacrifice? Too cliché! I need to try something I've never done before." As he passed through a room where the larger, more interactive games were played, Kefka paused. A little girl was playing one game in the back with a picture of a moogle slapped on its front. Eeeech. Moogles. How he hated the furballs. Curiously, he tiptoed over until he was standing behind the girl, and watched her play for awhile. Surprisingly enough, the game featured nothing along the lines of ‘torturing,’ ‘killing,’ or heck, ‘decapitating’ any moogles. It was more like you were supposed to feed them stupid nuts or something. They weren’t even poisonous! What a jip! He was about to turn around and leave when the little girl suddenly turned around in her seat to greet him.
Kefka stared.
“What’s your name?” The girl unwrapped a round candy and stuck it in her mouth. She couldn’t have been more then five years old. Her expression: innocence.
Smiling, Kefka knelt so that he was staring her straight in the eye. Such a cute child… he had to refrain from popping her head open like a ripe melon. It would be all too easy… He answered instead, “Kefka.”
“Keffy?” The girl blinked.
“Sure, why not!” The wicked little harlequin laughed gleefully, waving a hand at that before focusing on her once more. “And what is your name, little girl?”
“Lina. Want some candy, Keffy?” Lina reached into the little pink pouch she carried and carefully retrieved from it a wrapped strawberry candy, presenting it to her new friend like it was a sacred offering.
No, he didn’t, but he took it anyways. His hand closed around her tiny one; he imagined what it would be like to rip it out of her socket. “Thank you, Lina.” Kefka whispered, smiling. He placed his hand on the girls’ little heart-shaped face, clamped gently, and looked upward. His expression was one of ecstasy...
“Wanna ride the Gondola with me, Mr. Keffy?” Lina giggled, bouncing up and down in her seat excitedly.
Kefka glanced back down, scratched his chin, then shrugged. “Eh, sure. Why not.” It’d give him a better view of the place… Uwa ha ha.
The small child hopped out of the chair, and snaked her hand securely through one of his. He allowed this. Together, the two departed the arcade, and headed off towards Round Square.
The child’s’ mother would begin to panic over her missing daughter in about five minutes from now…