Nov 26, 2004 22:58
I sat there looking at you seeing you as they do, I saw the pain in your face as you cried out for me. I thought I as always going to be there with you, I ran form you as you called out to me, I ran into the worlds arms. " take another look at me you can need me " it ran throughout my mind a 1000 times and still I don’t under stand. I want to follow you so badly, I am so far gone that I don’t even feel it run through my memory. I see the red tears on your face with the crown of a king lay down. father destroy me I am not what I want to be anymore. O father what have I created in this life
you are all I need when I am alone
it left faster than it came I returned away from you to my mask it covered me faster than I could call out for you, but somehow your voice echos still. you will always be there with me that is a lesson I have still yet to learn, how quickly I forget my king