Just joined the community...I'm Christina and I reside in New York.
I'm new to cosplay, I have only started this year. I attended AXNY as Lulu, my first costume I've ever made. After costuming for the first time I fell in love with this costly hobby...
Here I am as Lulu! As for Final Fantasy wise, I am right now working on Cloud in his Don Corneo outfit and Kiros. Non Final Fantasy costumes in the work include Marth of Fire Emblem/SSB:M & Sivil of Macross 7. Of course I will plan more in the future!
I've only been to one con, being AXNY. This year I plan to attend I-CON, Anime Boston, Otakon, & BAAF, so I hope to see some of you FF Cosplayers there! At Otakon I will be part of a FF8 group so keep a lookout ^^;;