Square-Enix Cosplayers Exclusive Forum

Oct 25, 2007 13:45

- If this is inappropriate for this comm, please let me know and I'll delete it -

Back before this year's Dragon*Con, there was discussion on its respective board on cosplay.com amongst those of us attending the Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy photoshoot that we wished there was some sort of "official" organization or club for Square cosplayers - sorta like how Star Wars has the 501st. It was remarked how these sorts of organizations started out as message boards.

So, baring how well received the idea is, I went and created a forum called "Squareplay" for people who cosplay characters from Square-Enix games. I hope it'll become a place to make it easier to find others from the same series and arrange photoshoots and such. A more direct resource than just cosplay.com alone, I should say.

The link to view the forum is [here]. To join, you simply register with the board.

- Orca

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