Fic: Pastry Shop!Arc

Jul 31, 2011 22:29

I come bearing fiction!  It has food!  And explosions!  And traps!  …well, one trap…

1: Where There's Smoke…
Author: railenthe 
Rating: PG-13
Warnings for: Crack pairings, eventually, graphic descriptions of food, some language, mild violence. Lots of crossover.

Summary: Another day, another gil, goes the saying. The Shoopuf's Delicacies is well known for its desserts and creative baked dishes, collectively known by the nickname "Shoopuf Pastries." But there might not be much baking going on tonight, as Kuja, restaurateur and connoisseur, is about to find out…and at the worst possible time, too.

(Fake cut to fic journal is fake.  But perhaps there is delicious cake.)


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