Hey everyone! A kind friend gave me her promotional code for Lightning's Aya Brea outfit (since she owns 3rd Birthday and I don't, and I own Duodecim and she doesn't) so, in return, I recorded a video of my replay in high quality and then uploaded it to Youtube. I also got trigger happy with the snapshot button (totally feeling like a paparazzi each time I heard the shutter sound XD "woo she's wearing jeans today" *snaps*) so I got quite a few pics of sexy Lightning to share~ Brownie points for the fact she's fighting Kain dat voice
Click image to watch the video:
Other pictures can be found in
my Photobucket folder (along with a crapload of other Final Fantasy stuff.) Three of them are jumbo size cuz they're experimental shots from my computer instead of the PSP.
Oh and a small extra for
toffeethesnob includes
this fight against Kuja with tons of shooting and toasts on the side =D Also in ripped jeans (regardless of which, still makes Lightning more manly than Kuja in the pants department. Also, thong shot in the final blow, oh yeah~)