Yes, I suppose I'm a bit disappointed that we only ended up with 3 entries, one of them being mine...but I know you guys can do better next week! Hopefully the new theme I'm about to put up will be more interesting for you.
Since we received such few entries, but I want to keep things rolling, there will only be 3 special categories, so that all entries win something different.
- You must be a member to vote.
- Do not vote for yourself or ask your friends to vote for you.
- Vote for 1 icon in each category. I will check and ask you to vote again if you have not.
- You will have until Sunday, April 15th, at 11PM (GMT) to vote.
Your submission post should look like the following this week:
Best Cropping:
Best Coloring:
Best Placement of Text:
Please place only one icon in each category, and only place each icon once. The submissions:
1. Auron, Lulu (FFX)
2. Cloud, Tifa (AC)
3. Rasler, Ashe (FFXII)
Good luck, all! Don't forget to vote by leaving a comment!
Note: I will be making the banners this week, so the others do not have to worry about it.
Don't forget to
submit to the new challenge, FF X/X-2.
Also, check out the brand new userinfo! It's been updated a lot.