Welcome back! Lazy mod is lazy as always, but she promises to spend the next few days finally updating the profile and putting up a poll as she should have weeks ago (so this week's prompt will stay up until Wednesday). A HUGE thanks to everyone who participated in our Holiday Promptathon (and for the record it is the SECOND, not the FIRST, I'm just an idiot who missed that)! It's still open and will remain so (but there will be another promptathon down the road so don't go crazy there). This being the new year, and this the first post of the year, well, I figured an appropriate prompt was in order.
Prompt Seventy-Eight - First
First kiss, hug, touch, meeting, time, whatever.
Any interpretation of the prompt is fine so long as it's about first or someone mentioning it. Your drabbles must be either 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 words exactly. Multiple drabbles are acceptable! Just don't forget to follow the other posting (and general rules) on the profile page.
A new prompt will appear next Wednesday, January 12th, 2011 noon-ish (EST).
Don't forget - past prompts are always open!
And drop off your prompt ideas
Participant(s) this past week and their drabble(s) -
Filled Prompts for
Holiday Promptathon #2
FFVIII, Ultimecia/Edea, anger - Filled by
thunderousmoon FFVIII, Quistis/Shiva, Dreams - Filled by
rijsg FFVIII, Fujin/Selphie, taboo - Filled by
hamimifk FFVII, Scarlet/Tifa, silence - Filled by
vegakapera FFVII, Scarlet/Tifa, silence - Filled by
rijsg FFXIII, Vanille/Serah, strength - Filled by
girlinstilettos FFVIII, Siren/Quistis, voice/vocal - Filled by
rijsg FFXIII, Lightning/Serah/Fang, npcs - Filled by
mako_lies FFVIII, Edea/Quistis, taboo - Filled by
sissyhiyah Unfilled prompts (alphabetical order by game)
FFVII/FFXIII, LIghtning/Tifa, fire FFVI/FFXIII, Celes/Jihl, chaos FFVII/FFX, Yuffie/Rikku, any DISSIDIA
Dissidia, Cloud of Darkness/Ultimecia, sex Dissidia, Cloud of Darkness/Tifa, clothes FFIX
FFIX, Quina/Garnet, new TACTICS SERIES
FFTA2, Adelle/Illua, Anger FFV
FFV, Faris/Lenna, shower FFVI
FFVI, Terra/Celes, pain FFVII (all)
Compilation of VII, Cissnei/Elena, Damage FFVII, Elena/Tifa, morning FFX/X-2
FFX, any, holy FFXII
FFXII, Fran/Drace, Ghost FFXII, Ashe/Fran, family FFXII Penelo/Fran, alien/foreign FFXIII
FFXIII, Jihl/Lightning, family Plenty of prompts still waiting for some love! <3