Bubbles. Lady Ginnem/Lulu. FFX.

Sep 15, 2010 23:35

Title: Bubbles.
Fandom: FFX.
Pairing: Lady Ginnem/Lulu
Prompt: Silence.
Rating: PG
Words: 200.
Spoilers?: None.
Author's Note: And here comes a smattering of rain to go with that sun >.> Can I only write misery when there's no sugar in the house? I'm not even sure myself...

"There are so many things to learn in this world, yet there is still too little time in our lives to do it..."

You loved to hear her speak; Ginnem's wordy bubbles would appear within your silence and fill it up; you daren't intervene, afraid you would pop them.
As children you had both begun to study together; though your magic contrasted, the formula was still the same.
The spells burned and bubbled within; their chains were unlocked when hands twisted and words danced.
One day, while you mastered that sly fox blizzard with her, a false movement had caused your own magic to turn on you.
Pain, rose petal blood dripping down...

"I think it's just as scratch, 'Lu."

Then her kind fingers calmed and soothed; brushed back your hair and collected your tears.
Ginnem had tried to teach you 'cure' on that day but your mind was more like a bolt; she was the shield.

"Oh well, I'll just have to heal all your wounds. I'll be your nurse while you can be the knight, teehee!"
"I'll fight for you, Gin'!"

Now though...
... your wounds are left unchecked and the bubbles...
They have popped.
Such hopeless promises...

author: thunderousmoon, prompt: silence, fandom: ffx, pairing: lady ginnem/lulu

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