Title: Mutual Understanding
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Pairing: Rinoa/Quistis
Prompt: Pain
Rating: R
Word Count: 500
Spoilers: End game spoilers, if you squint really hard.
Author’s Note: This pairing is sooooo out-of-character, and honestly pretty out-of-character for me as a writer. But, I dunno, sometimes when I’m stuck at work till 3 am, strange muses strike me. Hmm…
Rinoa Heartilly's relationship was not all roses, even if other people didn't understand. What did you think you were getting into? They asked. Squall’s always been distant. Isn’t that why you fell in love with him? Didn’t he save you? Didn’t he save the world? What’s the problem?
Oh, sure, Rinoa knew Squall had always reserved a small section of himself for him and him alone. But she thought that in time, his walls would come down.
Not so.
It wasn’t that he was neglecting her. In fact, he’d never been sweeter. But maybe that was the problem. He always treated her like a princess - or even worse - a fragile china doll. Was he afraid of breaking her?
Didn’t he understand? She had darkness, too.
Or was her darkness what he feared?
Rinoa had been afraid to approach Quistis at first. She was a no-nonsense kind of women - would she even hear Rinoa out? But the door opened, and Quistis smiled warmly. "Come in."
“I just don’t know what to do,” Rinoa sniffed, after she finished recounting her story. “And I didn’t know who else to talk to. I-I want him to love every part of me - even the bad parts.”
“Maybe he doesn’t think you have ‘bad parts,’” Quistis murmured.
Rinoa scoffed. “Everyone has something dark in them. Don’t you?”
A small smile crept over an otherwise impregnable expression. “Oh, yes.”
“Could you really feel loved if someone ignored that part of who you are?”
“I don’t think this is something you can necessarily make Squall understand.”
“Then what should I do?” Rinoa asked, on the verge of tears again. “I love Squall, and I know that he loves me, but I can’t be happy like this. At least Seifer understood, even if I didn’t mean anything to him.”
Quistis offered Rinoa a kleenex, and the girl blew her nose loudly.
“Thank you.”
“What exactly is it that you’re not getting?” the blond murmured. “From Squall, I mean.”
Rinoa suddenly turned three shades of pink. “U-um, well…”
But Quistis already knew the answer. She was very observant, and Rinoa was quite easy to figure out. Just like Squall. “You want him to be less gentle, don’t you?”
Rinoa took an unexpected interest in Quistis’s carpet, which meant that she had been correct. Delighted, the blond reached across the table and grasped Rinoa’s wrist with more force than necessary.
“Q-Quistis?” Rinoa whispered, eyes wide.
Quistis could feel the girl’s pulse jumping madly beneath her fingertips. Rinoa was turned on by this, no matter how she might squirm and deny it. Leaning forward, Quistis captured full, symmetrical lips in her own, then bit down maliciously.
She wasn’t like Squall. She wouldn’t be gentle. She had no love for Rinoa; she wanted to break her. Wanted to show her what it felt like.
“Perhaps we can come to an… understanding.”