Title: Hair Ornaments
Fandom: FFX
Pairing: Lulu/Rikku
Prompt: Ghost
Rating: T
Words: 300
Spoilers?: FFX ending, character death that doesn't happen in the game.
Author's Note: I'm not even sure people are going to get what I'm on about O.o... it is an AU though...
Wakka didn't like this, not one little bit.
Rikku had been acting strangely ever since, well...
Wakka hung his head; maybe the things she was doing was the Al Bhed's way of mourning.
He didn't think so though.
The Blitzball captain watched the swish of leather belts go past him, he tried to look into Rikku's eyes but a long fringe kept them hidden.
Yuna was worried for Rikku ever since the black mage's death; she knew that the two had had a relationship but that was before sin, before Tidus sacrificing himself and Lulu losing her own life in the battle against Sin.
Now Rikku was alone.
However, the blonde was being odder and odder as each day passed; sometimes she'd imitate Lulu's style and in a fiend fight yesterday, Rikku had reeled off several thundagas.
Nothing seemed to make her cousin fearful anymore.
Rikku's delicate fingers played with the necklace around her neck as the other hand undid the belts upon the dress.
No one had yet to realise the truth behind all of this but soon they would tell them, it was only a matter of finding the right way of explaining it.
She laid down upon the bed and began to undo the many braids she had, allowing the long locks of sunny blonde to spill down and spread out; it looked exactly like Lulu's had when she was laying down on the bed.
Rikku knew she now looked like this because of the mirror she had hung above the bed.
As her right hand began to trail down the rest of her body in a casual way, red eyes with green spirals within them flared in lust.
Lulu's hair ornaments twinkled slightly from on the floor as two voices began to whisper 'I love you.'