Forty-second Prompt!

Feb 16, 2010 21:59

Happy Chinese New Year and happy belated Valentine's day guys! Ah! Some life around the comm finally! ^_^ Hey, how's it going? XD Okay, enough of my silliness. Is anyone else participating in ff_kissbattle? I mean just for the fun aspect of it (there's some good prompts so far). Anywho... This week I'm returning to simpler roots for a prompt and I'm feeling fluffy so...

Prompt Forty Two - Precious

A gem or a feeling of adoration or however else you want to interpret it.

Any interpretation of the prompt is fine so long as it's about precious or someone mentioning it. The choice is yours! Your drabbles must be either 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 words exactly. Multiple drabbles are acceptable! Just don't forget to follow the other posting (and general rules) on the profile page.

A new prompt will appear next Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010 noon-ish (EST).

Don't forget - past prompts are always open!

And drop off your prompt ideas here!


Participants these past week and their drabble(s) -

sheumouna - Blinded by Light (FFXIII:ogc, Lightning/Fang, NC17)

rijsg - Waiting (FFVIII, Quistis/Xu, G)

auronlu - Anger Management (FFX-2, Lulu/Paine, R)

prompt: precious

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