Title: Just a Minute
Fandom: FFVIII
Pairing: Quistis/Fujin
Prompt: Stress
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Author's Note: Tempai after a Kong.
Just a Minute
Rinoa thought her stress was from still being single, despite many offers for blind dates. Selphie thought it was from classes and generally being a grump. Irvine thought it was regret over the cowboy choosing his cowgirl, and Zell thought she was just always hungry, cause stress grows when your stomach is empty. Squall could care less, as long as it didn’t affect her work performance.
They were all about as off as they could be. To Quistis Trepe, stress was still not having decided on a dress to wear while Fujin was waiting patiently at the door with flowers.
Title: Chill
Fandom: FFX-2
Pairing: Rikku/Paine
Prompt: Morning, Kiss
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Author's Note: *See Warmth.
There was a delicious feeling that came from being warm. There was also one for being comfortable, asleep, and loved. It made it so much easier to stay asleep, too easy for some people, and Paine knew that all too well from many mornings of laying in bed watching her lover. She was quite content to do just that, letting her fingers play along the curves of Rikku's face while she memorized every outline.
Still, there came a time when everyone had to wake up. Then the best part of the morning came, when Rikku would smile against Paine’s lips.