W-O-W! So many drabbles this past week! Who knew being cold would be so popular? Also, today's prompt is the 30th prompt! I swear, every tenth prompt I'm surprised by how much the comm has progressed in a (roughly) 10 weeks time period. It's beautiful! *dabs eyes* Enough of my teary-eyed joy though. Today's prompt is...
Prompt Thirty - Attention
Whether someone's getting a lot of it, begging for it, or just coming to it, drabble about it.
Any interpertation of the prompt is fine so long as it's about attention or someone mentioning it. The choice is yours! Your drabbles must be either 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 words exactly. Multiple drabbles are acceptable! Just don't forget to follow the other posting (and general rules) on the profile page.
A new prompt will appear next Tuesday, November 24th, 2009, noon (EST). (Yes, I'm sure!)
Don't forget - past prompts are always open!
Participants these past two weeks and their drabble(s) -
sissyhiyah -
Roses (FFIX - Queen Brahne/Beatrix - PG13)
yokozuki -
Pray (FFX - Shiva/Yuna - NC17)
hamimifk (x2)
Cold Morning Ritual (FFXII: ogc - Fran/Penelo - PG13)
Snow (FFTA - Ritz/Shara - PG13)
sheumouna (x3)
Diamond Dust (FFXII: ogc - Fran/Penelo - PG)
Prisoners (Pt. 1) (FFXIII: ogc - Jihl/Fang/Lightning - hard R)
Prisoners (Pt. 2) (FFXIII: ogc - Jihl/Fang/Lightning - NC17)
rijsg (x5!)
Loneliness (FFVIII - Ultimecia/Edea - R)
Fantasies (FFVIII - Shiva/Quistis - hard R)
Seize the Moment (FFVIII - Quistis/Fujin - PG13)
Nothing (FF Dissidia - Cloud of Darkness/Ultimecia - R)
Submit (FFVIII - Ultimecia/Edea - NC17)
(phew! - haha took me a whole hour to type this up!)