Focus-Elena/Yuffie FFVII

Aug 04, 2011 22:01

Title: Focus
Fandom: FFVII
Pairing: Elena/Yuffie
Prompt: Attention
Rating: M
Words: 385

Yuffie didn't know how Elena could stand the heat in her Turk suit. Even Yuffie, dressed as she was in a tank top and short shorts, was sweating like Palmer after walking twenty blocks. But that wasn't the worst part of this day.

She was being ignored by her girlfriend.

Not because Elena was being cruel, not that, Yuffie reminded herself. Elena was currently at work, staking out a target in her tiny car, Yuffie only with her because she had whined to Tseng, the head of the Turks finally agreeing to let her go along once he developed a headache from the ninja's complaints.

Elena had explained that she wouldn't be paying any attention to her.

It wasn't professional, the blond had pointed out.

Yuffie had tried nearly every trick in the annoyance handbook. She had pouted, whined, kicked the back of Elena's seat, pointed out the window, cried, but nothing was getting through to the love of her life.

So she decided to take her shirt off.

After her eyes stopped watering from the reek of her body odor, the ninja having forgotten to put on any deodorant that morning, she waited for Elena to turn around and see her boobs in all their glory.

Yuffie knew she wasn't Tifa or anything like that but she also knew that Elena liked her breasts anyway.

All she got was Elena sticking her head a bit further out the window.

So Yuffie escalated things by taking off her pants and underwear.

She laid her sweaty head into Elena's lap then, whining like a puppy, which finally made the Turk look down.

Yuffie grinned, certain she would get her much-needed attention.

Elena reached down, Yuffie perking up the closer her hand got when suddenly Yuffie felt something on her neck.

It was leather and had her name on it.

"Wh-what's this?!"

Elena smirked then and pointed towards the back seat. "That's a hint of what you'll get in bed tonight if you stay quiet in the backseat like a good girl, okay?"

Maybe being ignored wasn't a bad thing, Yuffie decided as she observed her girlfriend's intent focus, fantasies already in her head about what her devious agent of a lover would do to her that night when all of that focus was on pleasing her.

prompt: attention, fandom: ffvii - ac, author: ryu19, pairing: elena/yuffie

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