Prompt #100!

Jun 28, 2011 23:10

So, guess what? It's time for our ONE HUNDREDTH PROMPT! WOOT! One hundred prompts in two years, amazing. Lots of amazing people and drabbles have graced this community and I hope to see even more during the next one hundred prompts! *hugs everyone* And on to our amazing prompt, suggested literally a year (and a day) ago by auronlu (and I've been waiting for this moment ever since - love the coincidence of the dates), this week's prompt is...

Prompt #100 - 100-words only

Tell an amazing story in the form of a true drabble - 100 words and nothing more (or less).

Any interpretation of the prompt is fine so long as it's a 100-word drabble. Your drabbles must be either 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 words exactly. Your drabble must be 100 words exactly. Multiple drabbles are acceptable! Just don't forget to follow the other posting (and general rules) on the profile page.

A new prompt will appear next Tuesday, July 5th, noon-ish (EST).

Don't forget - past prompts are always open!

And drop off your prompt ideas here!


Participant(s) this past week and their drabble(s) -

silvr_dagger - Personal Histories (FFVI, Celes/Terra, PG13)

machina_dues (x2)
Crimson and Fist (FFVII:DoC, Rosso/Tifa, PG13)
When The Body and Heart Agree (FFVII:DoC, Shalua/Shelke, NC17)

prompt: 100-words only

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