Hair Trouble - Ritz/Shara (Final Fantasy Tactics Advance)

Jul 28, 2009 06:09

Title: Hair Trouble
Fandom: FF Tactics Advance
Pairing: Ritz/Shara
Prompt: Mystery, Electricity
Rating: PG (for very light sexual tension)
Words: 400
A/N: :D Hey look, I'm finally doing a drabble! >.> Been a while. I've been busy. Currently slacking. ^_^ And I'm showing love for an underloved pairing! >.> Also showing that there's no need to fear the 'Mystery' prompt. Oh and there's a mild spoiler here about a secret Ritz has.

Ritz fussed with her hair, trying to tame an unruly knot. With a heavy sigh she slammed the comb in her hand down and sloughed in her chair feeling slightly defeated. She stared into the mirror, losing herself as she done every time since she arrived in this strange land. Her hair was pink, really and truly pink. That first morning she had woken up here she had cried when she saw that no white was showing as it usually did every morning. It was then that she decided no matter what this world was, Ritz was eager to stay here.

Her viera companion entered the room and with a light blush she quickly straighten up in her seat. There had been another reason she was more then willing to remain in this world and it had very much to do with the viera who was now standing behind her chair, meeting her gaze in the mirror. With some willpower, Ritz kept her eyes from wandering over the form behind her. Shara's eyes were sharp and quick and would have definitely realized what she was doing.

"An odd package arrived this morning. I think you should take a glance at it when you're finished getting ready." Shara said.

"Who was the package from?"

"It does not say. There is no return address on it."

"Oh, well thank you for informing me. I shall look at it as soon as I get my hair done." Ritz said, scowling as she thought of the knot.

"May I?" The viera asked, her hand lightly grasping a locket of pink hair.

Licking her lips, Ritz gave a nod of approval. Agile fingers swept through her hair, carefully parting strands of hair and unraveling any and all knots in their way. When fingertips danced across her scalp, Ritz shuddered and bit back a sigh as an electric jolt tingled over her skin. She lavished the fact that Shara was touching her and was intoxicated by the viera's calm face as she worked. In less then two minutes, Shara worked all the kinks and nuisances out of Ritz's hair. She ran her fingers through the hair to show that she had finished.

"Thank you, Shara." Ritz managed to say as her heart raced. "Let's go look at that package."

She stood and reached for her jacket, trying her hardest not to meet the other woman's eyes.

prompt: mystery, author: hamimifk, fandom: ff tactics advance, prompt: electricity, pairing: ritz/shara

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