Title: New Rules
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Pairing: Tifa/Jasmine
Prompt: Machine
Rating: PG
Words: 218
"We can go?"
A nod.
Of course she had known about the other worlds, as a Princess of Heart she was instrumental in safeguarding the balance of light and dark, but there had been rules in place.
No contact.
But then the rules had been changed thanks to actions of two young men with Keyblades and the final Princess of Heart.
Jasmine took a look back at her home. At the only world she had known for the longest part of her life. There was a security in knowing the nooks and crannies, the arches, the palace.
Then she looked ahead. To the woman who had shown up at the gates of the palace, looking for a man with spiky hair. The fighter who had protected Jasmine from a sudden influx of Heartless and Nobodies. To that long black hair that covered her nude form during a cold desert night.
She finally settled on those eyes that were always cheerful, regardless of what they were observing.
Jasmine took the offered hand and boarded the transport, Tifa giving her a kiss on the cheek as they settled in.
"For luck," she explained, before planting a deeper one on her lips.
"For a new life," Jasmine replied softly as they left a world of sand for a world of stars.