Title: Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?
frkmgnt1 Rating: PG-13 or T (Pick your poison. No graphic anything as of Chapter 6)
Pairing: Snow/Lightning, Snow/Serah
Chapter 6: Certain Half Deserted Streets ~5,900 words
Word Count so far ~38,400
Description: Snow has something he needs to say. Lightning cannot hear it.
Genre: Angst angst and more angst. Romance (Oh my god! I wrote Romance. WTF?)
This started life as a one shot, and perhaps should have stayed that way. But the characters nagged me to continue the story and SOMEONE challenged me to write a story without a doomed Snow/Lightning pairing. That's not easy to do and I'm not sure I'll pull it off. But I'm sure as hell going to try it!
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