Three Hills: Chapter Ten

Jun 04, 2006 19:49

Title: Three Hills, Chapter 10
Rating: G
Setting: Post-BDM AU

Three Hills Organizational Post

"There's a storm brewing," River stopped mid-laugh, looking out over the prairie, her eyes unfocused, the sun high in the sky.

Mattie squinted up at the sun. "I don't think so. We don't get many storms out this way.”

She frowned, and Mattie would have done anything to put a stop to that.

“Rain landed this morning and the winds blew in from the east,” she looked at the door expectantly.

Confused, Mattie followed her gaze, “There’s nothin’-“ He stopped short as his brother came bursting through the door, sending it banging against the side of the house.

The rest of the crew followed reluctantly after their Captain, exchanging looks that ranged from downright amused to mutinous, and lined up in the front yard.

Jayne turned to the porch swing, glowering at the pair sitting too close together. “Girl, git down ‘ere. You’re part o’ my crew too, and don’t be forgettin’ it.”

Mattie rose, “Ain’t no call to talk to ‘er that way. Even if you are a Captain.”

If anything, Jayne’s glower darkened further. “Didn’t ask you, now did I? Go inside with Ma. I got work t’ do.”

River was completely unfazed by the tension and bestowed Mattie with a bright smile, “Thunder. Loud, but harmless. You’ll see.” She skipped down the stairs, falling into place between Simon and Kaylee.

Mattie shifted his weight, eyeing his brother with broiling frustration before marching into the house.

Jayne ran a hand through his hair, putting it on end. If things weren’t bad enough with the crew, now he had brother like as to kill him as hug. Left him wonderin’ where the little boy who liked ridin’ on his shoulders done gone and went and who’d replaced him.

When he opened his eyes again, the landed first on the Shepherd who had that serene perfect smile on his face, and Jayne just knew he was thinkin’ that he’d brought this on himself.

Well, so what if he did? Didn’t help matters any now.

He stalked over to Mal first, “You and Zoë get the mule ready. “ His eyes narrowed dangerously, “An’ you don’t gotta respect me, Mal, but you’re gonna respect my Ma. You’re a guest in her home an’ I always thought better o’ you than this.”

Not waiting to see his Captain’s response, he nodded at Zoë and stopped at Wash. “You step outta line, I’ll hear ‘bout it, and not even Zoë’ll save ya. Ain’t that right, Zo?”

“Sure is, Sir.”

Wash glanced fearfully at his wife, and nodded.

Inara gave Jayne a serene, if amused smile, “I wont embarrass you, Jayne.”

“Didn’t think ya would.” He glanced toward the house, “My Ma don’t quite know wait to make of ya, ‘Nara.”

“That’s okay,” she smiled, “You never did either.”

The Shepherd gave him that smile again, and Jayne just walked past. Stopping at Simon, he folded his arms menacingly over his chest, “Keep the moonbrain away from my brother. Or I ain’t gonna be responsible for what I gotta do.”

“You think I want her anywhere near anyone related to you?”

“An’ take care of the pig too.” He growled, shifting his weight. “Please.”

Simon opened his mouth to retort, and fell into a stunned silence.

Jayne shifted to River. “You stay away from Mattie, Little Girl. He ain’t for you.”

She pushed her hair back from her face, smiling sweetly up at Jayne. “He wants to kiss me.”

“He what--?!” Simon turned to her as Jayne groaned.

“There ain’t gonna be no kissin’. Dong ma?”

River tilted her head, listening to his thoughts. “Odd.”

“What is?” He growled.

She stepped forward, having to push up on her toes to kiss his cheek, “I do not need protecting, Jayne. But sweet of you to try. Mattie will not like it as much as I.”

She danced off, doubtless off to find his brother and coax him out of moping, leaving Jayne to stand there cursing after her and Simon trying to chase her down.

“She don’t know nothin’.”

“Knows more’n all a’us combined,” Kaylee gave him her best smile. “Who you more worried about gettin’ hurt? River or Mattie?”

He glowered at her, “More worried ‘bout me.”

She didn’t seem to believe him and just kept smiling.

“Don’t go talkin’ my Ma’s ear off. Or askin’ too many questions. She ain’t used to gabby girls hangin’ ‘round.”

“Sure, Jayne,” she kept grinning at him.

“I mean it,” he growled for good measure before stalking off with Mal and Zoë to get the mule and head back to the ship. “Stupid gorram girls thinkin’ they can read my mind,” he muttered under his breath. “Worst gorram lie I ever told.”

three hills, gen

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