NewsEdge Magazine:
Sony blocks class-action suits with new online termsSony has revised its online terms of service, adding a new clause which prevents disgruntled users binding together and launching a class-action lawsuit against the company - unless it agrees to it. While the clause sounds unenforcable, it has legal precedent. In May, the US Supreme Court ruled that mobile operator AT&T was entitled to block customers from binding together to bring class-action lawsuits, despite lower levels of the US legal system having branded its attempt to do so as "unconscionable."
Jump: New Final Fantasy Type-0 Diablos and l’Cie ScanCaves of Narshe:
Square Enix Tokyo Game Show News Tidbits (FFXIII-2)
Tidbits from the BS11 Final Fantasy XIII-2 TV Special 0chiamano_mimi0:
FFXIII-2 Theme Song New World by Charice FanfictionFinal Fantasy VIII
Fallen Empires (1) (Seifer/Quistis, Squall/Rinoa) (PG13) (1,271 words)
Fallen Empires (2) (Seifer/Quistis, Squall/Rinoa) (PG13) (1,675 words)
Fallen Empires (3) (Seifer/Quistis, Squall/Rinoa) (PG13) (1,624 words) FanartDissidia Final Fantasy toffeethesnob:
BEHOLD THE RAINBOW SPARKLINESS THAT IS THE C279 BOYBAND!!! (2 arts) (Mateus, Sephiroth, Kuja) (Chaos) (SFW) Fan Comicsxiaa:
Birthday Gift (20) (Zack/Cloud) (NSFW) IconsCompilation of Final Fantasy VIIFinal Fantasy VII: Advent Children arwenphoto:
20 icons Cosplay
The Leading Man (FFXII) (Balthier)
No words. I'll be there (FFVII:CC) (Aerith/Zack) Buying and Selling zorosan:
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