News for Friday, September 9, 2011

Sep 10, 2011 00:28

News Final Fantasy Type-0 Cover, “Collector’s Pack” Unveiled Final Fantasy Type-0 Gets a Manga Adaptation
Edge Magazine: Out There: Cloud energy consumptionGoogle's report on its energy consumption is an eye-opener for the in-the-cloud future of gaming we're headed towards.

Final Fantasy Union: Here's The Info On Final Fantasy XIII-2's Historia Crux
fervid_blazer: Site updates and something quite unexpected (FF Type-0)

Final Fantasy X & Final Fantasy X-2
shippergal: Her Fears (Tidus/Yuna) (NC17) (2,422 words)
shippergal: Tease Me (Tidus/Yuna) (NC17) (2,920 words)

Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII
shippergal: Watching Her (Hope/Vanille) (PG13) (1,290 words)

Dissidia Final Fantasy
sunnepho: Dissidere (1) - Reverse Gaia (Cloud, Kuja, Sephiroth, Zidane) (PG13) (4,075 words)

Final Fantasy IV

tite-yume13: +++ Secret love +++ (Rydia) (SFW)

Final Fantasy VI

lou136: FFVI : Terra - Kefka (SFW)

victorious444: Untitled (Terra, Cyan, Gau, Sabin, Edgar) (SFW)

Compilation of Final Fantasy VII

xiaa: Birthday Gift COVER (Cloud/Zack) (SFW)

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Konoe-Lifestream: Flower girl from the slums (Aeris)

Final Fantasy VIII

solidforger: My Mind (Squall/Rinoa, Griever) (SFW)

hopeless-breakdown: Rinoa (SFW)

sophiebrigittexd: in the library (Zell/Library Girl) (SFW)

Final Fantasy X & Final Fantasy X-2

lady-dana-aurion: Yuna FFX watercolor (SFW)

Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII

nicegal1: Lightis:Welcome Back (Noctis, Lightning) (SFW)

Final Fantasy XIII

stelle-astrophel: Lightning_Serah (SFW)

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

jesseth: :Crystal Quarrels: (Yuke, Lilty) (SFW)

kiwi-berry: cap clavat (SFW)

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

lvbm: You made me stronger even now (Selkie, Lilty) (SFW)


d-akuma: DissidiaAces:R2 - vs Squall (FFVIII, FFIX, Dissidia) (Eiko, Madeen, Squall) (SFW)

the-z: DissidiaAces R2: vs Zack (FFVII, HoL, Dissidia) (Jusqua, Zack, Leviathan) (SFW)

callousvixen: Dissidia Aces- Fate's Torrent (FFII, FFTA2, Dissidia) (Minwu, Penelo) (SFW)


zodiart: Noctis Lucis Caelum (SFW)

Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII
serafira: 15 icons (Lightning, Serah)

Final Fantasy Agito XIII
eriolchan: 9 icons

Final Fantasy Icon Grab Bag
rikusora-chan: 87 icons


Winter-Weapon: -Come Forth and Fight- (Sephiroth)

Nobodyyyyy: FF13 Shiva Sisters: Bike Form (SFW)

Eyes-0n-Me: Yuna Cosplay

Konoe-Lifestream: Zack: How about one date?

DeathWrathAngel: Preview FF X: Yuna Summoner

love-squad: FFXII - Pirates (Balthier, Fran)

lonelymiracle: Rinoa and Tifa

x-divine-euphoria-x: X-2 (Rikku, Paine, Yuna)

depthcharge7: Final Battle (FFVII:AC) (Cloud, Sephiroth)

jfamily: Jecht Final Fantasy X Cosplay (Dissidia)

jfamily: Jecht Final Fantasy X Cosplay (Dissidia)

crystalpanda: Conquer the world (FFXIII) (Lightning)


merlinemrys: Cosplay Onigiri Sephiroth 2.0

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