Voting: Challenge 4
We have 28 icons to vote from this week. I recognize that this was a very difficult challenge, especially since some of you have never played the games that were assigned to you. The people with FFXIII had it even tougher - there is no story to base their icon off of! But everyone who submitted did a fabulous job. I was
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03: It's kinda like... FFVII love chart: simple version. It amuses me greatly xDD (mmm Sephirtoh ♥) But the animation going from the SHINRA frame onto the next frame is just a bit choppy.
06: The purple is a bit overwhelming, but I like the set up. It totally sounds like something Reno would say, too.
07: I love how it looks like Quistis is whispering into her ear. There's something with the texture on her chin, though, that is a bit distracting.
09: I really love the dark colors and composition of this icon overall.
11: I'm having a hard time... figuring out what's in this icon. And part of the text is oscured because it's so busy.
14: homg gotta love gossip girl ♥ this made me very amused when I saw it haha
15: The colors all really flow well together! Maybe a little more picture and less half/half?
22: I didn't realise what was on the icon at first (asides from boobs), and then when I looked back I noticed the people. Maybe just a little too dark.
25: The teal-ish texture that's over Ashe's face is a little distracting. If you had erased it just a bit, it would have worked better!
28: A lovely icon all-around. I love the cropping and the colors.
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