Vincent and Sephiroth, round 1

Apr 24, 2011 11:30

Who:  Vincent Valentine, Professor Hojo, Sephiroth
What: Troubles at the Nibelheim reactor need investigating.
\/                    Mountain Town Nibelheim - Kerwon [E]                    \/
| The town of Nibelheim is a sleepy town located high in Cosmo Canyon on the   |
| slopes of Mount Nibel. there is little Mist here compared to elsewhere in    |
| the Canyon, making it slightly less dangerous than elsewhere. the remote     |
| location caused the town to once be the focus of a search party of Imperial  |
| soldiers seeking a Wild Rose cell... and they destroyed the city in an       |
| attempt to find the cell which did not exist. The Shinra Trading Company     |
| moved in on the aftermath of the disaster, rebuilding it to modern           |
| standards, and even providing a Mako reactor so they can enjoy the comfort   |
| of Mako power... but to some, the scars remain. Shinra employees come and    |
| go, sometimes visiting the reactor, or the large building come to be known   |
| as the 'Shinra Mansion' in the center of town, but no one bothers them. The  |
| people of Nibelheim simply move on with their lives, making the best they    |
| can of it.                                                                   |
/\                                                                            /\

There have been reports of... trouble... in Nibelheim.

This would be of little note, save for the Mako Reactor planted in the mountains over it, and the ShinRa Mansion. Nibelheim is a beautiful and quiet town... yet the people have long memories here. And the ShinRa Mansion looms quietly at the back of its lane beyond its rickety gate. As, above in the mountains, the Mako Reactor pulses and supplies power to the city and sends power elsewhere across the continent.

However, there has been trouble. The Mansion's purposes being reactivated. A project that brought Interns from the Science Department here, on orders from Professor Hojo. And guarded by a small military patrol to see to their safety from the fiends and other monsters that haunt both the mansion and sometime come down from the mountains.

As stated... there has been... trouble.

The flow of energy from the Mako Reactor has suffered some damage. It is slow and possibly been tampered with.

The military patrol sent to guard the scientists hasn't reported in.

And, on the linkshell from the interns, reports of seeing a figure 'in red'. Reports of the lead intern and another being attacked, but left alive.

The scientists and interns have fended for themselves, but this is enough to bring in... questions. People skilled to restore the power flow from the reactor. And a guard to investigate the missing patrol.

Hopefully to bring someone interested enough in this project to see it continue...

Hojo rather disliked the news he was hearing out of Nibelheim. The fact that his lead intern overseeing the project restoration there likely meant that the assailant questioned her first, or at least attempted to. Considering the reports he had heard before, of Kefka's 'were-ronso' sighting, led him to believe he knew precisely who might be tampering, here. The 'man in red' sightings seemed to confirm it. Considering that repairs by lesser personnel didn't seem to be capable of fixing wherever the leak was meant someone higher up would have to... and since that someone tended to be him lately, well. It warranted his attention, of course.

It also warranted a bit beefier of a guard than ShinSec could dish out. So he had requested, non-specifically, someone with a bit more... skill. After all... the 'man in red', if it was who he thought it was, would likely want payback for being killed before, and so the threat was definitely elevated, as far as his own personal safety went.

Heading toward the mansion, he sighs idly. "I rather certainly hope someone is playing a copycat prank here, and trying to spook people away from the Project. Though... I think I'd almost be disappointed, if it were such a case. It'd mean a wasted effort," he murmurs. He hated these stupid trucks, and the shaky roads heading into the tiny, podunk town that housed the equipment in question.

Sephiroth is sticking fairly close to Hojo for the moment. If trouble is going to rear it's head, it's likely going to be directed at him. Still, he seems relaxed. Almost casual.

"You worry too much, as usual. I would rather not have to waste my time on a second-rate threat if I could help it."

Nibelheim is exactly as it always was... well... mostly. Twenty-three years ago the buildings were slightly different. Power was not present here save in the Mansion itself. Despite ShinRa's attempt to modernize the city... and repair the homes and structures... the buildings were mostly restored as they were. The citizens troubled by the destruction and the incident of overzealousness of ShinRa's soldiers were compensated and cared for. ShinRa trying to prove its image as people friendly, despite the large failure that happened here...

Yet, some things are so similar. The tree in the distance, on a rise out overlooking the mountains. A tree where two people once sat together and talked about the world and the future. Two young lovers who would soon be torn apart forever.

And the Mansion. The one building unscarred by the destruction of two years ago. The gate to it opens with a creak, and the lane of broken, overgrown stone rests ahead. The mansion... so familiar to one of the vistors. Years were spent there. In competition with Hollander and his own projects. The other scientist sent to assist. And the Turk sent to guard.

The mansion has fallen into disrepair, and was often spoken of as the home of fiends that had emerged from the sewers or manifested from Pyreflies.

A few Pyreflies drift up out of the ground, keening their near inaudible little cries as the two men pass the gate and head for the front door... which is hanging open...

Hojo laughs hollowly. "Everything is a second-rate threat as far as you're concerned. That's why you're the best... because you outclass everything this world can throw at you!" He waves a hand idly in the air, trying to brush aside his worry. "...Just because YOU have no fear, doesn't mean he can't get a lucky shot, if it IS Vincent," he mutters. He eyes the door, and frowns at it, waiting for Sephiroth to lead the way in. "...After you. I don't like this business already. I'm not giving him the advantage."

Sephiroth seems mildly distracted for a moment by some of the chatter on the linkpearl. He thumbs it disgustedly and looks about the front of the mansion. "They haven't been keeping this up very well."

"Vincent you say? You seem to know a fair bit about this fellow. Anything I should know?"

The door remains open before them, beckoning them in. ShinRa Mansion looms like a ominous monster above them. Broken windows for eyes. Tattered curtains for tears. And the occasional drift of pyreflies here and there as they wink in and out of the world in whatever passageways they travel upon. Everything here is so... dark and ominous seeming.

Hojo sighs. "Emo sort who I shot a bit once for being stupid. ...And then experimented on him. He should be grateful. I made him damn near immortal, all the improvements I made to his sorry carcass," he says, shrugging idly. "Still, it wasn't half as good as I expected to have done, so I wrote him off as a failure until my lab assistant tampered with him a little. Then it seemed to work just fine, but. He rather hates me for shooting him, among other things, and very likely wants to break things up here."

He eyes the door and sighs. "...Let's get this over with, then. I don't exactly NEED, nor WANT him in one piece, honestly. You're welcome to cut him up as is necessary."

Sephiroth nods to Hojo, stepping up towards the doorway. "Did it never occur to you doctor, that some of your subjects might not have been as receptive to your alterations as I was?"

One hand on the masamune, Sephiroth steps through the doorway to the mansion, catlike eyes taking in every detail and adjusting quickly to the low light.

Inside the main hall of ShinRa Mansion, the broken light of the giant glass windows in the back lets in an eerie glow. An almost greenish light from the grime and age on the windows. The chandeleer continues to hang silently above, rocking slowly and ominously overhead as if to its own tune. The spiraling wooden staircase leading up to the landing above remains as ominously rickedy as it always was. Rubbish and debris have gathered in the corners, spider webs in the high ceilings. Ominous and silent within... though the movement of pyreflies continues.

This place has seen death. And horrors.

There a long moments of silence that follow to allow both to fully enter, and for the room to be examined... and words exchanged.

Once Sephiroth is fully inside, along with Hojo, however...

...footfalls can be heard. Stepping across the wooden floor from the upper level. Walking slowly and steadily forward. Metal on creaking wood...

...and then a figure steps out of one of the doors. Stepping out slowly into the eerie light of the windows. And indeed, the first look of him is the /red/ of his cloak. Blood red and folding and rippling around him as if caught in a breeze that clearly can't be blowing in this closed in mansion. His right hand carries something, and in it is a monster of a handgun. Three barrels linked together. A hand cannon of a gun held in a firm grip. It swings at his side, silently. His left hand is clad in a golden claw-like gauntlet. And he is covered in black leather. His red eyes look down with undisguised hatred even as he strides out to stand before the lefthand window. The lower half of his face is partially hidden by his red mantle.

When he speaks, his voice is a gravelly baritone. And it had been years since it had been heard by the Professor. It is emotionless and intense.

"...If you turn and leave here, I won't kill you," he says in the silence.

"I am here for the scientist."

Hojo shrugs, and steps behind Sephiroth, mostly intent on using him like a very large, well-armed shield. "Oh I'm perfectly aware of this. I know he wasn't so interested, but he was rather dead at the time, so I didn't think he'd object terribly if I fixed that problem for him. I suppose he AND I would have been better off otherwise, but well... can't resist a fresh specimen, eh?" he asks, and smirks.

"Besides, you didn't have much more choice than he did at the time," he mutters under his breath, the smirk fading from his face when he sees he was indeed correct. ...Well, this'd be fun. He doesn't bother to peek out from his semi-sheltered vantage-point... that means giving Vincent unrestricted access to a shot at his head. Not a good plan.

If Sephiroth is surprised by Vincent stepping from the shadows, it doesn't show. He turns slowly to take stock of the man he's meeting for the first time. At Vincent's ultimatum he quirks an eyebrow curiously.

"Well now. That is indeed a very generous offer. I'm sure that I'm certainly not worthy of it." He looks back at Hojo. "Doctor, how can I possibly pass up such a generous offer?"

When Sephiroth turns to look back at Vincent, one corner of his mouth is curling up wryly. "Get out of the way or die, is that pretty much it?"

Vincent, standing on the second level, looks down at Sephiroth and... yes. Hojo behind him. Unfortunately, the silver haired SOLDIER makes a fantastic human shield. Especially for the smaller Scientist. Vincent might have taken the shot already... but for that. He knew Hojo wouldn't come alone. He also knew Hojo wouldn't come without protection. Still... even he had heard the legends of the Silver-Haired Soldier. In his two years returned, he had heard of the deeds of this man. Beating the Thunder God in single combat. One of those who helped end the chaos of that war. The man who put ShinRa's Mercenary forces on the map.

Yet, this is his first time ever seeing him. Even his picture.

Yet he knew the name... and... the face...

Vincent looks long into those glowing eyes as that mouth curls up wryly. It couldn't be.

Vincent slowly lifts his gun from his side, raising it up to hold it pointing up with his elbow bent.

"Yes." He speaks at last. Still looking like he'd seen a ghost.

"That is pretty much it."

Hojo speaks out from his place behind Sephiroth. "Oh please. You and I both know you wouldn't, Vincent. I know you. Why else do you think I hired Diana here, eh? Listen. Why don't we just put this petty little feud aside? It's not like it's REALLY productive for either of us. What does it gain you, harboring a grudge? You're still ambulatory, aren't you? It's not like I did any real, lasting harm. You're better off than you were before, honestly. We should put the past where it belongs and move on with things. It was over twenty YEARS ago, already." It likely wouldn't work... but. He's... sort of safe. Ish.

Sephiroth moves his left hand to where he can easily draw the masamune. He looks back at Hojo briefly. Hojo would probably know that look in his eye before he turns back to regard Vincent.

"Well you certainly have me at a disadvantage. I don't know much about you, but you likely have heard of me. Perhaps I should surrender. I have no wish to die after all."

"I spent the last twenty three years locked in a prison of my own nightmares, Hojo. I slept in that damn coffin you threw me in like discarded carrion."

"...You know your crimes, Hojo. Do you really think I'd accept that? It is you who deserve to be buried in a coffin below this mansion. I mean to put you there."

And Vincent turns his head to look at Sephiroth as he speaks those words. Watching him shift to be able to draw that wickedly long sword. Vincent knows well the capacity of a SOLDIER. And if Sephiroth defeated the Thunder God in one on one battle, his skills are beyond human imagining. But then, he continues to see it... growing more and more certain by the moment.

Vincent knows, however, his own abilities.

"As for being at a disadvantage... ...I am Vincent Valentine."

"I do not want to have to kill the legendary Sephiroth... but I will."

A pause
        "...I havn't killed the shinra guard patrol sent here. I have tied them up and left them in the Mako Reactor. If you go up there you can rescue them before monsters devour them. By then, my business with Hojo will be concluded. And you may report that you were unable to protect him from a determined assassin."

Vincent speaks these words with intensity. Though he is lying. He did kill the entire patrol. And he left them there.

"Hojo isn't worth this conflict."

Hojo snorts. "Feh! Like anyone here believes that you didn't kill anyone. I believe you didn't kill the harmless intnern or the one I -specifically- hired because she resembles Lucrecia so much in more than just appearance... but I don't believe for a moment you didn't personally shoot the guards that were mostly only here for my -interns- own safety. It's a fool's errand one way or another. If the monsters didn't get them, the mako leak would, and either way..." he trails off, and shrugs idly.

"You're not fooling anyone, Vincent. Go home. You can't win here, and you know it. You're outclassed." Well, perhaps not OUTclassed, but Sephiroth certainly stood better chance than anyone, and it was entirely possible that he could take Vincent apart as the red-clad man did the guards.

Sephiroth shakes his head slightly as Hojo talks. The wry curve to his mouth is still there, and when Hojo finishes....

"Perhaps he's not worth it, but there is much more here at stake than Hojo's life. If success at the price of my reputation is what you wish, I'm afraid you're going to have to earn that.... if you can."

Rage snaps behind Vincent's eyes at that name. That precious, precious name. It soars past the years of a man who it should matter so much to... but Vincent is already putting it together. But more, Hojo's words... so snide, so cruel, so callous. It is ever like it was. Vincent was shot in the chest in a room down the hall from where they stand. Vincent was experimented on and tortured as a half-living corpse only a few levels below. The pain of it. Every memory of it fills him. And hatred for Hojo blazes.

Those words, followed by Sephiroth's, are enough. Vincent's right arm comes down, leveling that cannon at the pair of them even as he speaks. Perhaps it is his rage talking. Perhaps it is something else. But Vincent's words sound as emotionless as ever.

"Then I will regret this, Sephiroth." Vincent goes quiet, and then speaks what he has concluded, "I will lay you beside your mother. Maybe then she can be at peace."

And then Cerberus begins to bark, even as Vincent stands there. With every squeeze of the trigger, three bullets are sent the way of the SOLDIER 1st Class from the triple barrels of the gun. He aims right for the center of his body mass. Hoping, perhaps, some of the bullets will slip past his guard to the scientist beyond.

Ah, well. See, Hojo knew Vincent'd snap sooner or later. He just does his best to stay behind his meat-shield-- er, protector. "Jenova's not IN the mansion, genius," Hojo retorts. Defiant even in the face of fire, regardless. "This is futile, and ignorant, you know." Whether he actually thinks Vincent can hear him over the gunshots, is saying it for his own, or Sephiroth's benefit, is anyone's guess.

As the gun is leveled and fired, Sephiroth has the masamune out. It wasn't just fast. It was blinding. No mere human moves that fast. He steps forward and spins, the masamune lashing out to deflect the bullets. Yes, deflect the bullets. He resumes his upright stance almost immediately with the masamune perched over his left shoulder.

"If you plan on having anything to regret, you're going to have to /try/.

Vincent's eyes narrow. He somewhat catches Hojo's words through the sound of Cerberus' gunfire... and he gives a soft curse. He hadn't told him. Clearly. Yes. Every mention of Lucrecia and the baby were wiped from history. This must be the reason.
        And as Sephiroth moves with such skill and speed, Vincent watches with definite interest and a clear respect. Yes. He was pinnicle of the SOLDIER project. And yet... he had his mother's face, and her hair. Though, the silver... how strange. A product of it? Vincent isn't sure. But Hojo's work is shown in its perfection.

Vincent's red eyes look into glowing blue. The eyes of the mother so clear in the eyes of the son.

Unfortunately, Sephiroth stepping forward has given Vincent a new line of sight. Poised as he is on the level above, with Hojo behind Sephiroth, Vincent raises the gun a short distance.

Vincent squeezes the trigger again. Cerberus barks loudly. This time sent flying for Hojo.

"As you wish."

What's a poor, uncoordinated scientist to do, when shot at? Try to duck. Hope what semblance to Wutain heritage he may still remember kicks in when actually under fire? Yeah, right. He wasn't Tseng, he's a geek who got a lucky shot at his girlfriend's ex once... so. He does his best to dive back behind Sephiroth, and duck at the same time.

Sephiroth was expecting Vincent to take a shot at Hojo. In fact, he might have even been baiting him to do it. Vincent's words give Sephiroth enough time to pre-empt the shot with a couple precious steps. But not backwards to protcect Hojo. He steps forward. At first it might appear that he truly was giving Vincent a free shot.

Then his intentions become clear.

Sephiroth grabs ahold of a battered end table and effortlessly slings it into the path of the incoming fire. Time seems to slow down for a moment as an arrogant grin crosses his face.

"You should have shot me."

The masamune lashes out. The blade travels lightning quick and it doesn't even seem like he was in range of the balcony supports he was attacking. Yet, they almost immediately beging to crumble and the balcony with it.

Vincent narrows his eyes as Sephiroth again performs feats expected of such a SOLDIER. Of such a legend. The skill is impressive and, indeed, even as Cerberus' bullets punch through the table to spin off deflected from their target... Sephiroth's sword comes across cleanly. The great sweeping blade cleaves through rotting wood like butter through a hot knife. The balcony crumbles and gives under the weight of time. Vincent only has split-seconds to respond... but this is where he begins to show what /he/ is capable of.

Time, indeed, seems to slow down for the blinding movements of these two men.

Faster then a normal human, perhaps even a match for a SOLDIER, Vincent crouches down on the collapsing wood and hurls himself upward into the air. Vincent twists and contorts as his cloak billows and flares. But his gaze remains focused on Sephiroth and his target. Vincent's gun is extended toward them even as he flips, and Cerberus barks yet again.

Vincent's clear aim is to fire again and again, flipping over Sephiroth and Hojo... seeking to get clear shots as he aims to land on the ground beyond.

Vincent's wicked gun has already fired six times total, three bullets each time, since the fight began by the time he is about to land on the far side of them.

One wonders the clip size... but as always, it is the great lacking. Vincent's gun will run out of bullets before Sephiroth's sword will run out of sharpness.

Hojo attempts to duck behind something else convenient... and let's be practical, the room's rather large, fairly empty. All that really happens is that Hojo takes off running in a random vector, away from Vincent, as best he can. Dodge and weave, a bit, because clear lines make for easy target tracking. At least that much, he remembers, about guns. Really... "Can't we just sit down and discuss this like civilized people! There's no need for this, REALLY, Vincent." Not as he expects an answer aside more gunfire.

Sephiroth begins moving back across the room as Vincent leaps. He's basically walking Vincent down, or at least the spot to where he's leaping. The masamune moves lightning fast, blocking bullets intended for both himself and Hojo.

And then the unthinkable happens.

Sephiroth misses a bullet.

The round doesn't catch Sephiroth flush. It grazes a pauldron on his shoulder, but Cerebus is no ordinary gun. The impact spins Sephiroth although he doesn't seem particularly hurt. He seems more annoyed at his carelessness than anything else as an exasperated sigh hisses out between his teeth. Blue eyes flash up at Vincent's red eyes as the first hint of emotion crosses Sephiroth's face since walking into the room.

"Playtime is over."

Sephiroth leaps covering an unnatural distance. The masamune flashes out towards Vincent once, twice and a third time in rapid succession. Apparently Sephiroth has grown tired of sitting in Vincent's shooting barrel.

Vincent lands in a crouch even as Sephiroth rushes for him. His red cloak billows almost supernaturally around him, sweeping forward and down. He noticed the impact of the bullet. The sword missing its mark. Sephiroth's defense /can/ be penetrated. But yes, playtime is, indeed, over. The great blade swinging for him comes in as Vincent catches Hojo's bolt out of the corner of his eye. The words spoken almost ironic enough to make the ex-Turk laugh. Almost. But, right now, he is too focused on that sweeping blade.

Vincent's claw gauntleted hand flicks up. The first slice tracing along it with a loud screech of metal on metal. Yet, like Vincent's gun, Sephiroth's blade is far from normal. Vincent's arm is knocked down even as Vincent forces his way to his feet. His other hand comes up, and this time the masamune is met with the barrel of Cerberus. The gun and sword scream against one another as Vincent himself begins to advance. Yet, whatever the gun is made from, it doesn't seem harmed by the deadly blade. Yet still the deflection costs Vincent a turn and shift... as the final strike comes in and slashes across the side of his face. Cutting deep as Vincent's head snaps back.

Yet, with first blood given, Vincent is rushing straight in for Sephiroth. Closing the distance rather then spreading it.

With his cloak billowing, Vincent moves like a wraith. And metal booted foot, the tip of it long and pointed in metal, comes up in a wicked kick for Sephiroth as Vincent spins. Attempting to bring Cerberus across for a smack of the triple barrels across Sephiroth's face.

"My sentiments exactly."

It is clear what Vincent is aiming for. In close quarters, with the great sword unable to swing its full path, he hopes Sephiroth would be at a disadvantage. And, it is also clear, by how blindingly fast Vincent is moving... he has been, indeed, augmented at a level that might put him close to Sephiroth's own.

As Vincent moves in, Sephiroth brings his blade into a vertical position with the point down for defense. He takes a step back using the flat of the blade to block Vincent's kick, and immediately gets pistol-whipped for his trouble. Vincent is indeed fast, and Sephiroth may have initially underestimated his speed.


Sephiroth kicks out in front of him fully expecting the move to be blocked but using it for both momentum and distance. He spins quickly to his left with the masamune lashing out in front him as he swings the massive blade in a sweeping motion designed to bash as much to cut. As he finishes the maneuver he returns upright to spit some blood on the floor.

"Glad you agree."

In those moments close up, with the emotion of anger on Sephiroth's face, Vincent sees many things with those red eyes. That anger there. The exaspiration at feeling that he failed at something. Vincent had seen it before. It was so in her as well. With how often they had spent time together... with the quiet interactions and some of the shared moments. Vincent can feel the pain burning in his heart even as he pistol-whips the son of Lucrecia. And, indeed, when the kick is lashed out, Vincent's claw hand comes up to meet the boot. The impact landing on the back of the gauntleted forearm and intercepted... yet it forces Vincent back.

Vincent's cloak swirls forward around him as if alive, even as the sword comes across.

Vincent, only barely, manages to catch it on Cerberus' trigger guard. The impact /hurls/ Vincent across the room to smash against the wall with a grunt, leaving an impact crater in the plaster and stone wall. Vincent inhales deeply as he lands, leaning on his knee.

Vincent speaks now, breaking his silence.

"You have her rage in you. There were times when I was with her when I saw it. A soul of fire inside of her, shining inside her crystal heart."

Vincent rises to his feet.

"Of all the ironies... it had to be you who came here." He seems bitter. Pained. "Why? Why you?"

Vincent calls out, "HOJO! ...I will make you pay, Hojo, for what you did to her and to me. I swear it. There will be no remorse. No pity. No end. I will hunt you down!"

Vincent raises Cerberus up, leveling it at Sephiroth, and though his cheek is still bleeding freely, Sephiroth will be able to watch as the blood is ebbing and the wound seems to be closing on its own.

"We will meet again, Sephiroth."

Vincent then snaps the gun up, and fires. Shooting cleanly the chain of the chandeleer. Which is large enough as to dominate the ceiling. And it begins to fall.

And yet Vincent rattles on about his dead ex girlfriend. Really, it was getting old... and Hojo'd deny it all anyhow. Well. That was the idea. For now, the scientist aims toward the corner nearest to the door, just in case there's shrapnel. Because... that looks like it'd be painful when the thing lands, and he doesn't want any part of that. Ouch.

Sephiroth is provided with split-second choice. The chandelier fall might hit Hojo. He could let Hojo fend for himself and press Vincent or he could save Hojo. But as much as Sephiroth dislikes letting a fight go unfinished, he dislikes failing even more. Moving quickly he leaps across the room grabbing Hojo by the coat to yank him free of the chandelier drop.

Vincent himself is already moving. Hurling himself sideways and up. Smashing through one of the broken and half-boarded up front windows of the ShinRa Mansion as the chandeleer falls. His arms crossing over his face, but still leaving blood on the glass behind, as he lands and rolls. His cloak trails after him and swirls as it follows him out the window, somehow not getting caught on anything in the process.

The massive falling chandelier crashes down in in ruin, but thankfully, its been a loooong time since it held anything but dust, shards of inert crystal to reflect the light, and empty stubs for candles.

Vincent rolls to his feet and runs. Full speed. Cerberus holstered and his feet slamming down even as he leaps for one of the nearby rooftops... aiming to take that road out of the village.

Once the danger's cleared, and Vincent begins to flee, Hojo laughs weakly, a little shaky. "Heh... good man, Sephiroth. Once again you exceed my expectations. Fantastic. ...Ignore his rantings, incidentally. I think he dwelled a bit too long on an old girlfriend while he was holed up here," he says softly, not sounding entirely confident of that. He stands, carefully, and dusts his coat off. "...Well. Shall we continue on then? Still need to repair that tech... now that the major instigator's gone."

Sephiroth is looking back towards the window Vincent jumped out of. "You can be assured of that."

His attention is pulled away when Hojo starts talking. "What was that? Oh yes, the reactor. Yes doctor, I do believe that we should get that taken care of."
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