Hi guys it's the final instalment of Melbourne Time. If you want to ask a question before the game opens this is your final opportunity.
Now somebody sent me a private message asking me about summoning and the like. Because sharing this information private is silly I've decided to give you a primer on how summoning works. Here you go:
News Summoning )
Alexandria - A Rennaisance-styled country that has a robust art and theatre community. However, Queen Brahne of Alexandria has been turning her gaze towards countries beyond her own.
Archadia - A powerful empire that makes up in technology what it lacks in natural resources. Using this technology, it seeks to expand its influence and protect itself against foreign powers.
Altair - A kingdom that later became the key organiser behind the first Rebellion. It was destroyed by Emperor Mateus in retaliation.
Baron - A medieval kingdom mostly notable for its powerful and well-equipped military airship fleet, the Red Wings.
Balfonheim - An independent city-state that is a haven to pirates and enterprising merchants. Kept comparatively orderly and running through the efforts of Reddas.
Burmecia - A land where rain falls almost constantly, inhabited by the rat-like Burmecians in warrens and hills.
Corneria - A powerful kingdom that is historically known for being where Faram entrusted the fate of the world to the Warrior of Light.
Dalmasca - A small desert kingdom that sits astride the only land route between Valendia, Ordalia, and Kerwon. Was recently occupied by the Empire.
Damcyan - A desert kingdom that was destroyed by the Red Wings.
Doma - A mountainous land where the people have rejected modern magitek conveniences completely due to their Yevonite faith. Honorbound and tradition-focused, the people of Doma
Elban - Eblan is a Yevonite island kingdom that is known for its clans of ninjas.
Esthar - A city that had hidden itself following a war with Galbadia. All that anyone can find is the great salt lake that remained after the war.
Fabul - A Yevonite kingdom founded on principles of asceticism and personal
Fynn - Fynn was a kingdom neighbouring Palamecia and Kasuan, it was part of the very first attempt to resist the Empire and was destroyed as a consequence.
Figaro - A desert kingdom that borders on Damcyan. Known for its technological innovations and friendship to the Empire.
Galbadia - Galbadia is a warlike nation that has fallen under the influence of Sorceress Edea.
Goug, Machine City - Goug is an excavation site turned city. A hodgepodge set of separate villages and settlements interspersed with archaeological digs that find ancient machines.
Karnak - An advanced industrialised nation that uses the Fire crystal to power its industry. Karnak is walled off from the rest of the world.
Kashuan - Kashuan was a kingdom neighbouring Fynn that was destroyed by the Empire. The national emblem of Kashuan, the Wild Rose, became the symbol of the Rebellion.
Lindblum - A city high in the mountains of Kerwon, Lindblum iis noted for its use of aircraft to move among sections of the city, as well as having an airship manufactory, though it does not use them for war.
Mysidia - A land of magic, one of the greatest magical institutions in the world. They hold themselves neutral in the conflicts and are very selective of their talents. Graduating from Mysidia's school is a mark of achievement and prestige, though some prefer schools which teach a less apolitical stance to the uses of magic.
Mist - A former village of Summoners, it was destroyed by the Empire. What survivors there are of the destruction of Mist are scattered, and very angry.
Madain Sari - Hidden on the slopes of Mount Berevenia, Madain Sari was mostly wiped out a long time ago by the Glabados Church. However, the survivors made their way to its present location, living in the shadows of the mountain while passing on their own unique Summoning tradition.
Nabradia - Once a powerful country that resisted Archades, it was obliterated in an instant when Judge Zecht raised the Midlight Shard and used its power to destroy the capital of Nabudis. Now that land is permanently wreathed in Mist, which births strange and terrible creatures, while the fortress to the south was taken by the Empire to serve as a gateway to Dalamasca and the Ordalian continent.
Palamecia - One of the great empires of Valendia, Emperor Mateus rules with a velvet-lined iron fist. Very aggressive and warlike, and responsible for most of the destruction the Empire has wrought.
Spira - An island country entirely dominated by its Yevonite theocracy. The people live their lives in fear of the great beast Sin, and Yevonite Summoners make pilgimages in order to gain the knowledge and power needed to give the land peace for a time.
St. Ivalice - A powerful kingdom with a turbulent history filled with war and rebellion that is in civil war.
Toroia - A beautiful land with fertile earth and clean water, known for its excellent climate. It is also notable or being a matriarchal society where men and women's roles have been switched.
Tycoon - A mountain nation famous for being the keepers of the wind crystal, and for raising wind drakes. The drakes, however, are now all but extinct.
Vector - A highly advanced and technological nation, the Empire of Vector is a highly ordered territory that produces magitek in the large scale. Boasting an immense military industrial complex, and magitek factories it is one of the richest nations in the world.
Wutai - A Yevonite village that is famous for its proud ninja clans. Wutai boast an impressive history of unique architecture, legends and a fiercely proud culture.
What about Walse (the water kingdom in FFV)? Does it exist?
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