A note about point readjustments: 5 points were added for participation, and if the final puzzle was mostly complete or not entirely right, you got 15 points for it instead of 25.
The puzzles given out on the end were mostly random, so don't feel bad if yours seemed harder, it was nothing personal, lol.
Black Mage: 55 points
etsplanations 05
sunflower_mynah: 45
virago_queen 05
Dragoon: 45 points
grimoire 45
Monk: 05 points
licoricealsorts 05
Soldier: 45 points
breyzyyin 45
Thief: 95 points
arivess 05
lady_supernova 45
toffeethesnob 45
White Mage: 80 points
seren_bach 35
Yin (
breyzyyin: 45 (the final one was one of the flaps on her shirt changed, but I'll give full credit since my lack of proper graphics program did make the cropping different)
Thanks to everyone who participated! I'm not going to post the answers to everything as there was just... too many, but if something was really bugging you, you can ask and I'll give the answer. Ah, and to those who had puzzles in their posts-- feel free to delete them now so my random comments aren't everywhere.