Round Twelve: Phase One - Submit~!

Jul 11, 2008 22:46

Hey everyone! I almost forgot to post this, orz ;;; I was about to turn off my computer and was like " there any icontest stuff I need to do... OMG YES~"

So here we are :D sixteen new victims competitors for round 12 of ff_lims! Good luck to all of you, and here is your first theme~ Also, some people had asked that I supply image galleries! Those will come with your mid-week reminder on Monday because I'm a little too tired right now xD;;;


thia_fayne, alanahikarichan, wounded_melody, lightrobber, margyydoodle, oulan, kuchren, x_maps, devils_sucubus, raynala, kyoujaku, deria_hime, mahonereh, shajik, thbogzdd, warwolves

Color splash
For the first round, your icon must be predominately black and white! However, you can have one color that stands out. It can either be from the image itself, or from a texture/gradient/the text that the color comes from. It CANNOT be COMPLETELY b&w, and it CANNOT have more than one color! Examples are under the cut~


(all made by me! WHY SO MUCH RED?)

Submit one icon to this post by Wednesday, July 16th by 5:00pm EST.
The icon must follow the theme and meet LJ standards...which you should really know by now but just in case : 100x100 pixels & 40kb or less; .gif, .png, or .jpg format.

phase 1, round 12, submit

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