Round Eleven: Phase Nine - Vote

May 24, 2008 13:47


Hey! Sorry for the delay, I was asked to put this up a few days ago. Anyways, once again, no one is being voted out. We've had one drop, and so next round will be LIMS. However, I still ask that you leave comments for the icon makers. It will run like a normal voting (you will be voting for one as least favorite).

+ thia_fayne


For icon #1
For icon #2

So remember, please vote for your least favorite between the two. Comments are required. If you're one of the icon makers, don't worry about it, unless you want to leave a comment for the other icon ;;

Votes are due in by Wednesday, May 28th, 12PM PST I have a paper and some assignments due on Tuesday/Wednesday morning, so I'll put it up after everything is turned in xDD

Remember, next round is the LIMS! Prepare yourselves, icon makers!

PS! I almost forgot! Please sign up for round 12! We already have 10 icon makers, but I would love more :D and don't forget to leave any comments on what you want to see happening for future rounds, etc. ~

vote, round 11

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