Round 13: Phase Seven - Submit

Mar 01, 2009 16:18


Edea*, Balthier, Myrn, Lightning*, Yuna, Gippal*

Lyrical Inspiration!
This was a theme just used over at xxxholic_still! I'm going to provide you with lyrics to a song, and you have to use them as inspiration somehow to make your icon. Either put the lyrics on there, or include them when you submit your icon. Check out the voting for this past week to get an idea of what I mean!

I'm seeing red
Don't think you'll have to see my face again
Don't have much time for sympathy
Cause it never happened to me
You're feeling blue now
I think you bit off more than you could chew
And now it's time to make a choice
And all I wanna hear is your...

So follow, the leader down
And swallow, your pride and drown
When there's no place left to go
Maybe that's when you will know

Follow, the leader down
And swallow, your pride and drown
When there's no place left to go
Maybe that's when you will know

And foolish lies...
Oh, can't you see I tried to compromise?
Cause what you say ain't always true
And I can see the tears in your eyes
And what you said now...
Can't stop the words from running through my head
And what I'd do to get through to you
But you'd only do it again

So follow, the leader down
And swallow your pride and drown
When there's no place left to go
Maybe that's when you will know

Follow, the leader down
And swallow your pride and drown
When there's no place left to go
Maybe that's when you will know

Ohhh-oh yeah

I confess
I don't know what to make from all this mess
Don't have much time for sympathy
But it never happened to me
You're feeling down now
I don't know where I'll be when you come around
And now it's time to make a choice
And all I wanna hear is your voice...
[Listen to the song!]

Submit one icon to this post by Friday, March 6th by 5:00PM EST.
The icon must follow the theme and meet LJ standards...which you should really know by now but just in case : 100x100 pixels & 40kb or less; .gif, .png, or .jpg format.
If you have any questions, please just leave them in a comment!

Be sure to include your alias with your submission :)

round 13, submit

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