Member Clean-up

May 14, 2011 13:23

I've gotten some inquiries about this lately, so I think now is a good time to decouple the alliances and to start the members cut processFirst, decoupling alliances ( Read more... )

members cut, alliances

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the_404_error May 14 2011, 22:30:17 UTC
I now realize we should have joined communities last round.

I'M SORRY FOR VOTING AGAINST IT, OTHER MAGES. D: I'd still feel strange posting in another team's community, though.


selene May 14 2011, 22:39:45 UTC
As someone who was in such a thing, it was actually super awesome the bonding that went on between the Thieves and the Monks. After a while you don't really see it as being "Another team" so much as just another part of the team if that makes any sense?

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't take long at all to loose that sense of "Us" and "Them".


zerrat May 15 2011, 00:48:39 UTC
D'awwww, that's really sweet, and I agree. I almost expected either you or Ari to comment on my reminders and such by the end. It was a great experience, and a good way to help each other out.


selene May 15 2011, 04:08:34 UTC
Maybe it's sweet, but I was just stating what I'd observed.

I almost did several times actually! After a while I didn't even pay attention to which team the post was from originally! I really think that blending the team comms is a great exercise in cooperation.

I do hope we blend teams this time, because those workshops you mentioned sound amazing. *_* With my writing habits, I'd need the encouragement sadly. ;;


breyzyyin May 15 2011, 01:14:06 UTC
Hehe, it's okay! If there is a next time we team up...we shall know better! 'Twas a learning experience for everyone, it was. ♥

I would probably feel a little strange with that at first too, no worries! ..Though I suppose joining in on comments for overall entries might have been kind of fun after everyone got used to that later on.


the_404_error May 15 2011, 02:47:32 UTC
I SWEAR YOU ARE SUCH A WHITE MAGE. Seriously, with every comment... *Gives you the "whitest"-- what I initially thought before I realized how it sounded, lol most white mage award*


breyzyyin May 15 2011, 15:44:15 UTC
Aw, thank you. ♥ You've always been synonymous with Black Mages to me since this comm first started--so I would give you the Most Black Mage Award (Of Awesomeness! ♥) too. :)

...That part you slashed out made me laugh so hard, by the way! Someone getting the "Whitest" White Mage award would be...interesting, to say the least. XD


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