Banners for Game 1

May 10, 2011 02:08

Congratulations to all teams on making it through the first game! Here are individual team banners. (Team mods, feel free to stick these in the profile of your comm. :))

Thanks to all my co-mods for helping me come up with the name of the awards. :)

And here are some stats for this game:

Total: 10181 (1st)
Sorting: 986 [10%] (1st)
Contests: 5458 [54%] (1st)
Fanworks: 1032 [10%] (3rd)
Minigames: 2705 [26%] (1st)DRAGOONS
Total: 3038 (6th)
Sorting: 875 [29%] (2nd)
Contests: 1039 [34%] (6th)
Fanworks: 0 [0%] (6th)
Minigames: 1124 [37%] (3rd)MONKS
Total: 6293 (3rd)
Sorting: 806 [13%] (3rd)
Contests: 1616 [26%] (5th)
Fanworks: 2931 [46%] (1st)
Minigames: 940 [15%] (4th)SOLDIERS
Total: 3465 (5th)
Sorting: 501 [14%] (6th)
Contests: 1820 [53%] (3rd)
Fanworks: 499 [14%] (5th)
Minigames: 645 [19%] (6th)THIEVES
Total: 9306 (2nd)
Sorting: 640 [7%] (4th)
Contests: 5074 [55%] (2nd)
Fanworks: 1882 [20%] (2nd)
Minigames: 1710 [18%] (2nd)WHITE MAGES
Total: 3612 (4th)
Sorting: 515 [14%] (5th)
Contests: 1670 [46%] (4th)
Fanworks: 576 [16%] (4th)
Minigames: 854 [24%] (5th)WHOLE GAME
Total: 35895
Sorting: 4323 [12%]
Contests: 16677 [47%]
Fanworks: 6920 [19%]
Minigames: 7975 [22%]

Remember: mod evaluations and the chance to be restamped end on Wednesday!

game winners

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