Changes to FF Minigames

Feb 18, 2011 15:31

Hey everyone, I just wanted to say that I've made a change to ff_minigames. The community originally was intended to be made up of games & activities that may or may not involve points and that could be posted by anyone. I have changed it to contain ONLY for-points activities run by the Minigames Mods.

I ran this by the other mods and I believe this is more in line with the conception people already have of FF Minigames, so this change will likely not be disruptive, but just so everyone knows, here are the changes that have been made:

• FF Minigames' userinfo has been updated to state that the community consists of mod-run, point-giving activities.
• Activities in FF Minigames will now be numbered, just like they are in ultima_arena
• I've changed the tagging system and removed unneeded tags such as "#for points"
• Posting access to ff_minigames has been removed for non-mods

If you would like to run a not-for-points activity, feel free to do so in airship_lounge instead, and if you have an idea for a point-giving activity, we encourage you to suggest it at the suggestion box (members-locked) in ff_minigames. Thanks for reading. :)

And while I'm here, I wanted to remind everyone there are several activities ending today. Refer to the calendar to see which ones. And be sure to vote on this week's unstamped applications. :)

!announcement, ff_minigames

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