Combining Teams?

Feb 06, 2011 12:56

Now that the first point update is up, I'd like to put forward a suggestion someone gave on the feedback post: to combine teams for the first game while the community is small.

If we do team-combining, this is how I envision it would happen: In all respects, the six teams would remain separate. The only difference would be that pairs of teams (alliances) would get their point totals added together, and the pair with the highest total at the end of the game would have a joint victory.

So for example, if White & Black Mages were allied and ended up with the highest joint total, we'd say that the winner for Game 1 was Team White/Black Mage.

There are advantages both ways -- keeping the teams separate might be more fun since every team is competing with their own strength. But at the same time, we don't want small/less active teams to feel like they'll never be able to win. Right now the teams are more balanced than they were but Monks is still the smallest (with 4 members) and Soldiers is the least active, while Thieves & Dragoons are the biggest and most active (with 6 members). And with the sorting process we use, uneven teams are inevitable. On the other hand, even small teams can get lots of points (the Monks got third in the most recent points update).

So the mods at judge_magisters wanted to see what members wanted to do. If we do the alliances these are what they'd be:

Soldiers + Dragoons
White Mages + Black Mages
Thieves + Monks

So with that in mind, please let us know what you think in this poll:

Poll Alliances

alliances, poll

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