
May 12, 2012 20:32


For next game, starting Tuesday May 15th (hahaha any Diablo III fans? XD), the alliances will be:

Soldiers + Black Mages + Dragoons


Thieves + White Mages + Monks

Team mods, feel free to collaborate and lead your teams with introductory/welcome posts for your new alliances. Maybe a new alliance name? XD

All invites should be sent out by tonight so there'll be some time for some bonding before the new game starts :D If you have not received an invite by May 14th, please contact me ASAP! Check your invites here.

If you're new to ff_land, here's a quick explanation: being in an alliance means that your teams would work together for the top spot. Your individual teams will still be ranked though!

You can post in your team community, but not in your allied teams' community. You may only view posts and comment on them.

As for current alliances, I will be removing everyone from the previous alliances... I should've thought this through awhile ago and gave you guys some time to say some goodbyes xD BUT, I thought you could do them here instead? Haha.

...I think that's about it? Yes? XD

Ready for Game 4?



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