Game 4 Mod Team

Apr 13, 2012 21:26

Hello everyone, and thanks for your patience!

This is the new mod team for Game 4. Except we'll put you guys to work right away, haha.


ff_land (Neutral): arivess, xinnk, sunflower_mynah, lightofeilia
ff_classchange (Sorting): the_404_error with lightofeilia (invites)


airship_lounge (Social): sunflower_mynah, sai_salamander, virago_queen
moogle_workshop (Fanworks): sunflower_mynah, breyzyyin (Yin), with chacusha (art points)
ff_eventsquare (Events): etsplanations
ff_minigames (Games): arivess, naliarenegade, rayiroth
ultima_arena (Contests): chacusha, xinnk


curaga_casters (White Mages): breyzyyin (Yin), yunie_sigh, mako_lies
firaga_casters (Black Mages): virago_queen, naliarenegade
gil_stealers (Thieves): katy_111
heavenly_lances (Dragoons): regann
mythril_swords (Soldiers): breyzyyin (Breyzy)
raging_fists (Monks): fromherashes, lightofeilia

ultima_arena and ff_minigames are still tentatively open for a co-mod (ie, open for one, but not necessarily needing), and mythril_swords would like one. If you'd like a position that's already filled, please contact either the mod currently heading that position or one of the neutral mods and we'll see if there's an opening for you.

Thank you everyone!

!announcement, mod team

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